0 Grizzly Peak Boulevard & 7126 Westmoorland Drive
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Oakland
Document Title
0 Grizzly Peak Boulevard & 7126 Westmoorland Drive
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
To repair and stabilize approximately 350 square feet of existing road surface and approximately 1,500 square feet of the adjacent failed hillslope adjacent to a creek.
Contact Information
Robert D. Merkamp
Agency Name
City of Oakland Planning Bureau
Job Title
Zoning Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Parcel #
048H751400100 and 048H762206102
Other Location Info
0 Grizzly Peak Boulevard & 7126 Westmoorland Drive, Berkeley, CA
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Sections 15183(f) and 15333
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is consistent with the City of Oakland’s Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE) and is consistent with applicable Open Space - Resource Conservation Area (OS-RCA)/S-11 and Hillside Residential - 4 (RH-4)/S-9 zoning regulations of the Oakland Municipal Code, for which an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified (LUTE EIR) and which is applicable to the Project and site. The Project will not result in any project-specific significant effects peculiar to the Project or the site. It will not result in significant impacts that were not previously identified as significant project-level, cumulative, or off-site effects in the LUTE EIR, and the Project will not result in any new or more severe environmental effects than previously disclosed in the LUTE EIR. The Project’s potentially significant effects have already been addressed as such in the LUTE EIR, and will be substantially mitigated by the imposition of Standard Conditions of Approval (SCAs). Based on these environmental conclusions, the Project is eligible for CEQA streamlining and/or tiering provisions under CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, which provide for streamlined review when a project is consistent with a Community or General Plan, and the environmental impacts of that Plan have been analyzed in a certified program Environmental Impact Report (i.e., the LUTE EIR). Furthermore, the project is exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15333 because the Project consists of the stream or river bank stabilization with native vegetation or other bioengineering techniques, the primary purpose of which is to reduce or eliminate erosion and sedimentation; the Project is less than five acres in size to assure maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection for fish, plants, or wildlife; the Project will have no significant adverse impacts on endangered, rare or threatened species, no hazardous materials at or around the Project site will be disturbed or removed, and the Project will not result in impacts that are significant when viewed in connection with effects of past, current, or probable future projects. As such, no further environmental documents are required of the Project, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 and 15333.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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