Mineral Multi-Use Path
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Document Title
Mineral Multi-Use Path
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), using state and federal funding, is proposing to construct a multi-use path and make other related improvements within the right-of-way along state route (SR) 36 in the town of Mineral in Tehama County from post mile (PM) 81.6 to 83.4. The multi-use path would meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The purpose of the project is to provide a safe (Class I) shared use facility for pedestrians and all forms of active transportation to connect with the town of Mineral. The project is needed to provide a safe, ADA compliant path to interconnect the community and to provide access for all modes of active transportation.
The proposed improvements would include:
Class 1 Multi-Use Path
• Constructing a Class 1 ADA compliant paved multi-use path within Caltrans’ right-of-way along the eastbound lane of SR 36 from the intersection with a private road at PM 81.68 to the intersection with SR 172 at PM 83.13. The multi-use path would be ten feet wide and would consist of 0.5 feet of Class 2 base rock layer overtopped with 0.35 feet of standard hot mix asphalt (HMA). The multi-use path would be crossed by two existing roads (a private road at PM 82.73 and Mineral Avenue at PM 82.80).
Drainage Facilities Work
• Performing drainage facilities work at 20 locations as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Drainage Facilities Work
Post Mile, Description of Work, Existing Culvert Length, Existing Culvert Diameter, New Culvert Length, New Culvert Dimensions
81.73 Install a new corrugated steel pipe arch (CSPA) culvert. Install a new
headwall at inlet and a new flared end section at outlet.
— — 28 feet 24”X18”
81.80 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new headwall at inlet.
— — 25 feet 28”X20”
81.94 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet
— — 33 feet 24”X18”
82.08 Install a new CSPA culvert, perform ditch/channel work downstream of
culvert, and place rock slope protection (RSP) into a scour hole at the
outlet. Install a new flared end section at inlet and a new headwall at outlet.
— — 36 feet 28”X20”
82.17 Install a new CSPA culvert, perform ditch/channel work downstream of
culvert, and place RSP at the outlet. Install a new flared end section at inlet.
— — 49 feet 28”X20”
82.23 Install a new CSPA culvert with a headwall and cable railing at the inlet and
outlet, perform ditch/channel work to connect the existing culvert nearby
with the new culvert, and place approximately 491 square feet of RSP at
outlet of new culvert. Install a new headwall at inlet and outlet.
— — 17 feet 57 inches by 38 inches
82.34 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 33 feet 24”X18”
82.39 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 26 feet 24”X18”
82.42 Install a new CSPA culvert with a headwall and cable railing at the inlet and
outlet, perform ditch/channel work to connect the existing culvert nearby
with the new culvert, and place approximately 491 square feet of RSP at
outlet of new culvert. Install a new headwall at inlet and outlet.
— — 17 feet 57 inches by 38 inches
82.52 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 35 feet 24”X18”
82.60 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 26 feet 28”X20”
82.69 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 26 feet 28”X20”
82.84 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet and
— — 36 feet 28”X20”
82.89 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new headwall at inlet and a new flared
end section at outlet.
— — 26 feet 24”X18”
82.95 Install a new CSPA culvert. Install a new headwall at inlet and a new flared
end section at outlet.
— — 24 feet 24”X18”
83.06 Replace the existing CSP culvert and extend the culvert across the multi-
use path. Install a new flared end section at inlet and outlet.
90 feet 18” 110 feet 24”
83.12 Replace the existing CSP culvert and extend the culvert across the multi-
use path. Install a new flared end section at inlet and outlet.
90 feet 18” 110 feet 24”
83.17 Replace the existing CSP culvert. Install a new drainage inlet above inlet.
— 42” 193 feet 42”
83.24 Abandon the existing culvert.
— 18” — —
83.32 Replace the existing CSP culvert. Install a new flared end section at inlet.
63.3 feet 18” 78 feet 24”
State Route 36 Improvements
• Constructing a pedestrian crosswalk across SR 36 at PM 83.13 (near the intersection of SR 36 and SR 172) and installing a pedestrian activated push-button rectangular rapid flashing beacon system. The crosswalk would be lighted by a pole-mounted light installed on each side of the road.
• Installing a pedestrian ramp to access the parking lot from the north side of the crosswalk.
• Obliterating the existing surface of the turn lane that allows eastbound traffic on SR 36 to merge onto SR 172 and striping a new right lane turn pocket at the intersection of SR 36 and SR 172.
• Installing two 24-hour advance flashing beacons along SR 36 to provide advance warning to eastbound and westbound traffic approaching the new crosswalk across SR 36. The flashing beacons would be installed along the eastbound lane at approximately PM 83.09 and along the westbound lane at approximately PM 83.24.
• Installing an 8-foot-wide paved shoulder along the westbound lane of SR 36 from approximately PM 83.24 to approximately PM 83.36.
Ground Disturbance
Approximately 4.62 acres of topsoil would be disturbed by construction activities. Maximum excavation depths would be approximately one foot. Approximately 1.92 acres of new impervious surface, consisting of approximately 1.84 acres resulting from construction of a paved Class 1 multi-use path and approximately 0.08 acres resulting from installation of an 8-foot-wide paved shoulder, would be added within the project limits. However, in accordance with the Caltrans Project Planning and Design Guide, Class 1 multi-use paths are excluded from the requirements of stormwater treatment best management practices (BMPs). The 0.08 acres of new impervious surface resulting from installation of the 8-foot-wide paved shoulders would not require the installation of stormwater treatment BMPs because it is well-below the threshold of 10,000 square feet. Obliteration of the existing turn lane that allows eastbound traffic on SR 36 to merge onto SR 172 would remove approximately 0.11 acres of existing impervious surface within the project limits. Tree/shrub removal would be needed to construct the project. The number of trees to be removed is currently unknown and will depend on final project plans.
Construction Access
Construction access for building the multi-use path would be from an existing dirt road in the right-of-way along the eastbound lane of SR 36. Construction access for other improvements would be from the road or road shoulder.
Traffic Control
One-way reversing traffic control would be utilized when temporary lane closures are required during construction. This would be accomplished with flaggers or battery powered portable traffic control signals.
Construction Period
The project is anticipated to start construction in early summer 2026 and would be completed by the late summer that same year.
Staging/stockpiling would occur within the project limits at approximately PM 82.80 within Caltrans’ right-of-way along the eastbound lane. Additional stockpile location(s) may be added as project plans are refined.
Disposal/Borrow Sites
No disposal sites would be utilized. It is anticipated that up to approximately 8,000 cubic yards of borrow material would be needed to construct the project. The project would utilize two borrow sites. These borrow sites are located along the south side of SR 36 in Tehama County from PM R71.77 to PM R71.92 and from PM R74.50 to PM R74.58.
The project would not add new utilities within the project limits and no utility relocation is proposed.
Most of the work would occur inside Caltrans’ right-of-way. Some work along SR 36 from approximately PM 83.09 to PM 83.1 would occur outside Caltrans’ right-of-way on private property. A temporary construction easement would be required for work occurring outside Caltrans’ right-of-way. Federal land managed by the National Park Service is present within the environmental study limits from approximately PM 82.17 to PM 82.67. Federal land managed by the Forest Service is present outside the environmental study limits at approximately PM 81.61. Construction of the project would not require the permanent acquisition of additional right-of-way.
Based on the current scope of work, a non-notifying Nationwide Permit 14 (linear transportation projects) would be needed from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Quality Certification would be needed from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement would be needed from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Caltrans has performed a review of resource records and databases and consulted with applicable agencies, tribes, and individuals. Coordination/consultation with tribes, the Forest Service, and the National Park Service is ongoing and will continue through project completion.
Contact Information
Keith Pelfrey
Agency Name
Caltrans, District 2
Job Title
Branch Chief - R3
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Other Location Info
State Route (SR) 36 in Tehama County from post mile (PM) 81.6 to 83.4.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities, Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The California Department of Transportation has determined the project to be categorically exempt in accordance with Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) Class 1 — Operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination. The project would have no significant effect on the environment.
Notice of Exemption
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