Port of Hueneme - Stormwater Drain Retrofit Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Oxnard Harbor District
Document Title
Port of Hueneme - Stormwater Drain Retrofit Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project intends to retrofit the Port's existing storm water drainage infrastructure to provide better filtration of storm water runoff throughout the facility. The District has worked to implement aggressive best management practices (BMPs) including good housekeeping, expanded use and installation of drain filters and catch basin filtration inserts. However, the District continues to see elevated levels of metals on its runoff, in part due to the age of its storm water infrastructure, which was not designed to handle treatment of the volumes of water which can reach some drains during heavy rain. The existing infrastructure was built to convey water and protect life and property from flooding and damage, not accomodate modern water quality.

Contact Information

Christina Birdsey
Agency Name
Oxnard Harbor District - Port of Hueneme
Job Title
Chief Operating Officer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Port Hueneme
Cross Streets
E Port Hueneme Rd.
Other Information
1. Wharf 2: 34°08'56.5"N 119°12'16.4"W; 2. High & Heavy Overflow Area: 34°08'55.7"N 119°12'01.4"W; 3. Tractide/Sunkist: 34°08'48.2"N 119°12'07.9"W; 4. Shore Power: 34°08'47.6"N 119°12'11.6"W; 5. Yara: 188 W Port Hueneme Rd.; 6. Squid Ops: 34°08'47.9"N 119°12'34.4"W

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines, section 15301 Existing Facilities
Reasons for Exemption
This project is intended to not have a significant impact on the environment which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. As defined by CEQA guidelines, section 15301 Existing Facilities. The requested approval for this project consists of the operation, repair, and minor alterations of existing facilities.
County Clerk


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