Access Improvements and Facilities Rehabilitation Project - Canal Pumping Plants and Flow Control Station No. 1
SCH Number
Public Agency
Contra Costa Water District
Document Title
Access Improvements and Facilities Rehabilitation Project - Canal Pumping Plants and Flow Control Station No. 1
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
CCWD proposes to implement various improvements to Pumping Plants 1-4 and Flow Control Station No. 1 to improve worker access and safety. CCWD also plans to rehabilitate portions of these facilities that have deteriorated and are in need of repair. The proposed improvements will occur either inside of these facilities or in the surrounding grounds. All improvements to Pumping Plants 1-4 will occur within Reclamation right of way and improvements to Flow Control Station No. 1 will occur within CCWD right of way.
The safety and facility rehabilitation improvements at the Pumping Plants include:
• At Pumping Plants 1-3, increase the size of exterior elevated platforms to provide improved ergonomics and maneuverability for workers when accessing electrical panels.
• Remove existing guardrails around pump bays inside all of the pumping plants and install removable grating over the bays to allow workers direct access to the pumps.
• Install fall prevention safety improvements at all pumping plant rooftops.
• At Pumping Plants 2-4, implement rock slope protection (rip rap) and grouted rip rap on the slopes underneath and around exterior stairs and platforms as an erosion control measure.
• At Pumping Plant 2, demolish a failing soldier pile retaining wall with wood lagging and replace with a soldier pile retaining with concrete lagging.
• At Pumping Plant 4, perform repairs to the flap gate structure to prevent further deterioration. This work includes repairing spalled concrete, replacing existing stop logs, and resealing joints.
The safety and facility rehabilitation improvements at Flow Control Station No. 1 all occur within the facility and include:
• Expand platforms within the facility to reduce the vertical drop from access hatches and improve maintenance access to major valves and appurtenances.
• Perform corrosion repair on the piping within the vault structure by removing existing coating and reapplying.
The construction phase is estimated to begin in fall 2024 and will take approximately a year to complete.
Equipment storage and staging for work on Pumping Plants 1-4 will occur within Reclamation right-of-way adjacent to the pumping plants. Equipment storage and staging for work at Flow Control Station No. 1 will occur adjacent to the facility on a pre-disturbed gravel pad. The staging areas are identified in Figures 2-5.
Work will occur and be completed at a maximum of two facilities before initiating work on other sites. The types of equipment that are expected to be present on site consist of the following:
• One (1) excavator with a bucket capacity of one cubic yard.
• One (1) backhoe with a bucket capacity of one cubic yard
• One (1) water truck
• Five (5) utility trucks
• One (1) dump truck
• One (1) boom truck
• One (1) flatbed truck
No traffic detours or road closures are anticipated to complete these repairs. Temporary closure of the East Bay Regional Parks District's (EBRPD) Delta de Anza Trail is needed when work is occurring at Pumping Plant 2, primarily during material and equipment delivery to and from the site. CCWD will coordinate with EBRPD on any potential closures and construction activities.
CCWD will implement erosion control measures to ensure no materials or rip rap enters into the Canal or Kellogg Creek during construction activities. One tree is anticipated to be removed when applying rip rap to the Canal slopes adjacent to Pumping Plant 4. The tree's trunk is approximately 6-inches in diameter and does not meet the definition of a mature or protected tree according to the City of Antioch's Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Operations and maintenance activities along the Contra Costa Canal are governed by the 2005 Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) for Operations and Maintenance Occurring on Central Valley Project (CVP) facilities on Bureau of Reclamation lands within the South-Central California Area Office issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to Reclamation. Placement of rip rap along the Canal and levee banks (Activity #20), mud jacking and/or injecting grout (Activity #15), embankment maintenance (Activity #31), facilities inspection (Activity #32), and ladders/safety nets/float repair and replacement (Activity #36) are all activities covered under the PBO. Flow Control Station No. 1 is not covered under the 2005 PBO. However, permits are not required since all improvements at this location will occur inside the facility.
Reclamation recently completed a Section 106 review along the Canal right-of-way in association with the Contra Costa Canal Title Transfer Project. Pumping Plants 2-4 are located in areas with the lowest potential for buried archaeological resources. Pumping Plant 1 is in an area with moderate potential for buried resources, but most work will take place within the existing pre-disturbed footprint of the plant. There will be no excavation or ground disturbance at Flow Control Station No. 1 since all of the
proposed improvements will occur within the structure.
Pumping Plants 1-4 are located in an area classified as urban/developed. Flow Control Station No. 1 is located near agricultural lands and Kellogg Creek. Species with potential to occur include nesting migratory birds, Giant garter snake, California red-legged frog, and California tiger salamander. CCWD will conduct pre-construction surveys and implement the avoidance and minimization measures described in the Environmental Commitments section.
Contact Information
Cody Ericksen
Agency Name
Contra Costa Water District
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley
Contra Costa
Citywide, Countywide
State Highways
SR 4, SR 160
BNSF Railroad
O'Hara Park Middle, Laurel Elementary, Delta Vista Middle
Marsh Creek, Kellogg Creek, Contra Costa Canal
Other Location Info
This project is located at Pumping Plants 1, 2, 3, and 4 along the Contra Costa
Canal (Main Canal) and Flow Control Station No. 1 along the Los Vaqueros Pipeline alignment. Pumping Plants 1-4 are located on property owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and operated and maintained by CCWD. Flow Control Station No. 1 is a CCWD-owned and operated facility that regulates the amount of flow between the Los Vaqueros Reservoir and the Canal. Pumping Plant 1 is in the City of Antioch, Pumping Plants 2-4 are in the City of Oakley, and Flow Control Station No. 1 is in the City of Brentwood, in Contra Costa County. See Figure 1 for a vicinity map and Figures 2-5 for site maps.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section 15301(b) and 15304
Reasons for Exemption
This project is classified as the operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures and facilities, where "existing facilities" are defined as "facilities or both investor and publicly owned utilities that are used to provide public utility services." This project also involves the minor public alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes.
County Clerk
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
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