Geotechnical Boring Investigation for the De La Guerra Plaza Revitalization
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Barbara
Document Title
Geotechnical Boring Investigation for the De La Guerra Plaza Revitalization
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A geotechnical onsite investigation is required to conduct an evaluation of the water table depth and soil infiltration of De La Guerra Plaza and a portion of East De La Guera Street ROW. The exploratory geotechnical investigation (borings and soil samples) is for the purposes of determining the water table depth in four locations, to conduct soils tests to determine the depth of soil that will allow for infiltration, and to test the infiltration rates at those locations in order to accommodate stormwater infiltration. The geotechnical investigation will involve a subsurface investigation, soils test, infiltration analysis and report. The investigative borings will be conducted by a qualified contractor and an Archaeology Monitor and Native American Monitor will be present during ground disturbing activities.
Contact Information
Kaitlin Mamulski
Agency Name
City of Santa Barbara
Job Title
Project Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 and Section 15306
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities. This Project meets Section 15301 Existing Facilities Class 1 categorical exemption, because the future Plaza revitalization and stormwater design will be informed by this geotechnical and infiltration investigation.
CEQA Guidelines Section 15306 Information Collection. This Project meets Section 15306 Information Collection Class 6 categorical exemption, because the information collection and evaluation activities will not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource.
Archaeology. The Project site is located in an area of potential archaeological sensitivity. Given the work proposed is surface and subsurface disturbance and the general area is considered archaeologically sensitivity, an Archaeological and Native American Monitor will be onsite during ground disturbing activities.
Hazardous Materials. There is a Closed/Completed Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Cleanup Site located under the City Hall building. No work is proposed near the LUST site, therefore, the exposure potential to hazardous materials is considered less than significant.
Historic Structures. The Project site contains and is adjacent to Landmarks, Structures of Merit and Historic Resource Inventory Contributors. The geotechnical boring will be belowground. Therefore, the effect on Historic Structures is considered less than significant.
Parks and Recreation. A portion of the Project site contains an area zoned Parks and Recreation. Given the short duration of the exploratory boring investigation, the effect on Parks and Recreation is considered less than significant.
Noise. The Project site is located in an area with noise levels less than 65 dBA. There will be subsurface excavation associated with the geotechnical boring investigation with the potential to create noise and vibration at levels less than 65 dBA. The short-term noise related impacts associated with the exploratory work will comply with the City’s Noise Ordinance. No work will be allowed outside of the authorized working hours of 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Therefore, the noise effects are considered less than significant.
Trees. The site contains mature trees over 4-inches in diameter at a height of 4-and-one-half-feet above grade, however, there are no tree removals or disturbance associated with the geotechnical boring investigation. As there will be no tree removals or disturbance associated with the Project, the effect on trees is considered less than significant.
Visual. Although the Project is located within the El Pueblo Viejo District, the geotechnical boring investigation will only have temporary aboveground equipment no above ground features are proposed, therefore, the effect on visual resources is considered less than significant.
In conclusion, the Project will perform an onsite geotechnical investigation and analysis of the De La Guerra Plaza. Project is not anticipated to result in any significant impacts towards the environmental resources, therefore, the Public Works Department recommends that the Case Planner consider this Project as exempt, as defined in the CEQA review process classified under the Class 1, 15301 and Class 6, 15306 categorical exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara
Notice of Exemption
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