Alternative to a Groundwater Sustainabiltiy Plan - Indio Subbasin
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Alternative to a Groundwater Sustainabiltiy Plan - Indio Subbasin
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), Water Code 10720 et seq., requires local groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) to develop and implement groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) or an alternative to a GSP (Alternative) to meet the sustainability goal established pursuant to SGMA (Water Code 10727). Alternatives should demonstrate how water managers have already achieved, or will achieve, sustainable groundwater management. The Department is required to evaluate approved Alternatives and issue an assessment at least every five year.
Contact Information
Paul Gosselin
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Deputy Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Other Location Info
Indio Groundwater Subbasin
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Water Code 10728.6 (see additional reasons below)
Reasons for Exemption
The Department’s evaluation and assessment of whether the Alternative submitted by the (GSA(s)) for the Indio Subbasin satisfies the objectives of SGMA is not subject to CEQA, either because it is not the “approval” or “carrying out” of a “project” under CEQA, or is subject to several specific statutory or categorical exemptions, or falls within CEQA’s common sense exemption for the following reasons:
No physical change to the environment is associated with the evaluation and assessment of the alternatives undertaken by the Department. The Alternative submitted by the Agency is based on a Groundwater Management Plan and projects and management actions that were previously adopted and the Agency has already begun implementing.
By finding that the Alternative satisfies the objectives of SGMA, the Agency may comply with SGMA by continuing to manage the Basin/Subbasin subject to that Alternative, without the need to develop a GSP. As a result, the evaluation and assessment of the Alternative undertaken by the Department creates no foreseeable indirect impacts, and any impacts that might occur would be difficult to predict with any accuracy and too speculative to allow the Department to provide for meaningful analysis and review.
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Guidelines 15601 [common sense]
Reasons for Exemption
The Department’s evaluation and assessment of whether the Alternative submitted by the (GSA(s)) for the Indio Subbasin satisfies the objectives of SGMA is not subject to CEQA, either because it is not the “approval” or “carrying out” of a “project” under CEQA, or is subject to several specific statutory or categorical exemptions, or falls within CEQA’s common sense exemption for the following reasons:
No physical change to the environment is associated with the evaluation and assessment of the alternatives undertaken by the Department. The Alternative submitted by the Agency is based on a Groundwater Management Plan and projects and management actions that were previously adopted and the Agency has already begun implementing.
By finding that the Alternative satisfies the objectives of SGMA, the Agency may comply with SGMA by continuing to manage the Basin/Subbasin subject to that Alternative, without the need to develop a GSP. As a result, the evaluation and assessment of the Alternative undertaken by the Department creates no foreseeable indirect impacts, and any impacts that might occur would be difficult to predict with any accuracy and too speculative to allow the Department to provide for meaningful analysis and review.
Notice of Exemption
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