City of Long Beach - Economic and Property Development - Ticketing Building Demolition (Emergency Permit No. 24-030)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Port of Long Beach
Document Title
City of Long Beach - Economic and Property Development - Ticketing Building Demolition (Emergency Permit No. 24-030)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Nature of Emergency: Deterioration to the temporary ticketing building due to damages incurred from a semi-truck hitting its exterior. The impact bent and lifted the supporting walls impacting the structural integrity of the building. The damaged building sits within the heavily trafficked Queen Mary parking lot thus poses an immediate threat to public safety to those accessing the site.
Cause of Emergency: Semi-truck hit the exterior of the building damaging the supporting walls and impacting its structural integrity.
Response Action: Demolish building to grade and repave with concrete.
Contact Information
Jennifer Blanchard
Agency Name
Port of Long Beach
Job Title
Environmental Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Citywide, Southern California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15269
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15269 (b)(c) Emergency Project: Emergency Projects are statutorily exempt from requirements of CEQA if the emergency repairs to publicly or privately owned service facilities necessary to maintain service essential to the public health, safety or welfare, and the specific actions are necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The project involves the demolition of a damaged building within the heavily trafficked Queen Mary parking lot in order to address the threat to public safety.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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