Lemoore Sewer Improvement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Lemoore
Document Title
Lemoore Sewer Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City of Lemoore North Sewer Infrastructure project consists of sanitary sewer trunkline upgrades to address deficiencies in community infrastructure supportive of the Naval Air Station Lemoore (NASL), and new residential development north of the city. The entire project is approximately 2.0 miles long and consists of gravity and force mains, and a new lift station. A map of the project area, beginning at the intersection of W Glendale Avenue and Lemoore Avenue and continues west and south to the intersection of Cinnamon Drive and North 19th Avenue is illustrated in Figure 1. The new sewer infrastructure includes a new dedicated trunkline running parallel to the existing sewer main. This approach is the most feasible as it maintains the existing infrastructure and serves the community by limiting service outages and delays, as well as relieving standing bypass requirements often seen with projects of this nature. The basis of the planned improvements is outlined in The City of Lemoore's February 2020, Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Master Plan (Master Plan); however, an amendment to the Master Plan is being developed. Sanitary Sewer Trunkllne The following improvements will be incorporated into the improvement plans for the design of the sanitary sewer trunkline: The North Lemoore Sewer Project includes the following: 1. Approximately 4,000 feet of new trunkline in the Glendale Avenue alignment from Liberty Drive to Lemoore Avenue (18th ¾ Avenue); 2. A new lift station in the vicinity of the Glendale Avenue/Liberty Drive intersection, approximately 2,500 feet of outfall sewer line from the lift station to the connection at Hanford-Armona Road and Liberty Drive; and 3. The replacement of approximately 4,200 feet of existing 12" and 18" sewer trunkline located in Liberty Drive from Hanford-Armona Road to Cinnamon Drive, and in Cinnamon Drive from Liberty Drive to 19th Avenue. Glendale Avenue Alignment The Glendale Avenue alignment represents the northeast extent of the project, providing a new sewer main specifically designed to accommodate planned and future development to North Lemoore. When constructed, the new trunkline will consist of about 4,000 linear feet of 15-inch gravity sewer main running east to west - from North Lemoore Avenue, where the line will provide a direct tie-in to Liberty Drive and the new lift station proposed as part of this project. Liberty Avenue Alignment The Liberty Avenue alignment extends south from the new lift station and Glendale Avenue alignment. It includes about 2,500 linear feet of new six-inch force main, terminating near Hanford-Armona Road followed by new 15-inch gravity sewer main, which continues about 3,000 linear feet south to Cinnamon Drive. These new lines will provide new and dedicated piping necessary to both convey new development flows and to address the existing Liberty Drive deficiencies described in the City's Master Plan. Cinnamon Drive Al/gnment When constructed, the new gravity sewer main turns from Liberty Drive and continues west, along Cinnamon Drive. The Cinnamon Drive alignment consists of about 1,400 feet of new gravity sewer main, terminating at a new manhole which will tie into an existing sewer main on 19th Avenue, which completes the project. Easements and Right-of-Way The above sewer alignments are all located within existing City of Lemoore street right of way limits, with exception of the extension of future Glendale Avenue that requires rights to construct and maintain approximately 1,310 linear feet of sewer and new lift station along the northern property line of APN 021-550-001 (see Figure 1). This property was part of a recent annexation and has an active tentative subdivision map on the property. The City is currently in the process of acquiring the necessary easement for the new sewer trunkline along the future Glendale Avenue right of way. New Sanitary Sewer Lift Station The existing hydraulic model was reviewed to determine the ability of the existing sewers to convey the existing and future flows in the 15-inch pipeline. The previous Wastewater Master Plan (WMP) provided general assumptions for growth on the North side of the City. However, these assumptions have been updated based on the tentative maps provided by the developer for the Lacey Ranch.

Contact Information

Krisdtie Bailey
Agency Name
City of Lemoore
Job Title
Management Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


Cross Streets
Glendale Ave, Lemoore Ave Cinnamon Dr and North 19th Ave
State Highways
Naval Air Station Lemoore (NASL)
Meadow Lane Elem. Mary Immaculate Queen, Cinnamon Elem
Other Location Info
See attached figure for project location

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 1530l(d)
Reasons for Exemption
Section 1506l(b)(3) Common Sense Exemption: The activity is covered by the commonsense exemption that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Class 3 15303(d) New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures: Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. Additional Justification Air Quality/Greenhouse Gases (AQ/GHG) Project construction is anticipated to take up to 12 months. However, construction activities will occur intermittently throughout the construction period. Construction activities will be temporary in nature, and emissions generated through construction activities would stop once completed. The project will have a relatively small footprint and is not anticipated to exceed San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) criteria pollutant air emissions or generate a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Hazardous Waste A review of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) online Envirostor database indicate that the project site does not contain a known hazardous materials facility or reported cleanup site (California Department of Toxic Substances Control, 2023). Properties adjacent to the project site include school site investigations that were either inactive or did not require further action. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to impact permitted hazardous waste facilities or listed cleanup sites. The California Department of Conservation, Well Finder map indicated that the project site does not contain any known well and is not located within a designated oil and gas field (California Department of Conservation, 2023). Further, the California State Water Resources Control Board, Geotrackerfound that the site does not contain and would not impact any permitted underground storage tank (State Water Resources Control Board, 2023). Flood Zone Per FEMA FIRM Panels 06031C0170D and 060310C0160D, the project site is not located within a designated flood hazard area. Conclusions Based on the analysis presented herein, the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, and these planned improvements are also outlined in The City's Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Master Plan. Additionally, the project would benefit the City and the region by providing upgraded sewer capacity to the communities being served, while encouraging planned growth away from NASL. The result is to reduce conflicts between planned residential development and critical military operations.
County Clerk


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