Tulare City School District Bus Maintenance Expansion Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Tulare City Schools
Document Title
Tulare City School District Bus Maintenance Expansion Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Tulare City School District (District) Transportation Shop Expansion Project (project) is located behind the District's main administrative office location and on a portion of the Cherry Avenue Middle School campus in Tulare, California.
The purpose of the project is to provide additional space to maintain the District's school buses and fleet vehicles, ensuring the safety of the beneficiaries of the project: students, faculty, staff, the District, and the community. The project consists of the following actions:
• Replacement of an existing carport and storage buildings with an approximately 6,000 square feet maintenance building
• Removal of turf and asphalt paving
• Installation of chainlink fencing and mow strip around the perimeter of the project area
• Future installation of a bus EV system equipment yard
• Removal of existing concrete curb and post footings
• Construction of a new bus wash
• Construction of a small parking lot with entry/exit from North Del wood Street
• Installation of perimeter LED lighting in the parking lot.
Contact Information
Joyce Hauff Nunes
Agency Name
Tulare City School District
Job Title
Assistant Superintendent of Business
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Cross Streets
600 North Cherry St., Tulare, CA 93274
Other Location Info
Tulare City School District Admin offices
Other Information
The project is located at the existing school district transportation shop.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3: §15303 (e); Class 11 §15311 (b); Class 14: §15314
Reasons for Exemption
Under Section 15303 (e), the project includes the installation of new chainlink fencing, a bus wash station, and future EV equipment yard that are considered to be accessory to the existing maintenance facility.
• Under Section 15311 (b), the project includes the construction of a small parking lot.
Additionally, the project includes the minor addition of a maintenance building within existing school grounds.
• Under Section 15314. The project does not include the construction or installation of new classrooms and will not expand school capacity or the size population of students and faculty. The project will allow the District to more efficiently and effectively repair and maintain school buses and other vehicles. The project will also help lower District
expenditures by expanding bus lifespans and reducing vehicle repair costs. It will also
improve safety for the students, faculty, staff, and the community by ensuring the internal, external, and mechanical bus components are well maintained.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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