American Family Housing - 15081 Jackson Street Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Orange County
Document Title
American Family Housing - 15081 Jackson Street Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is a Site Development Permit to construct a 4-story, 65-unit, 100 percent affordable development. Of the 65 total units, 13 units are designated specifically for people with special needs, 50 units for low-income households, and 2 units reserved for on-site managers. The project will consist of 63 one-bedroom units and 2 two-bedroom units. The project also includes 2,167 square feet devoted to office space or similar uses, such as a meeting room and file room, 1,140 square feet for maintenance, and a total of 7,970 square feet devoted to resident amenities and activities, including a 1,044 square foot community room and 6,162 square foot courtyard. The 6,162 square foot courtyard has been designated to include a variety of resident amenities, including a community a gardening, exercise equipment, outdoor siting areas, and a BBQ court. Except for the 6,162 square foot courtyard, all proposes uses will be incorporated into the four-story building.

Contact Information

Virginia Gomez
Agency Name
County of Orange, OC Public Works, Development Services/Planning
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Midway City (Unincorporated Orange County)
Southern California
Cross Streets
Jackson and Adams Street

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Article 12.5, Section 15194 - Affordable Housing Exemption
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves affordable housing that meets the threshold criteria set for in Section 15194 and 15192.
County Clerk


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