Russian River Floodplain Restoration; File No. PLP23-0014
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma County
Document Title
Russian River Floodplain Restoration; File No. PLP23-0014
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Russian River Floodplain Restoration Project proposes to restore a functional floodplain at a former gravel quarry of approximately358-acresalong the middle reach Russian River near Windsor, CA. The proposed natural process-based project design will improve the functions and values of the Russian River for ecological benefit, flood management, improved water quality and public enjoyment. The proposal also includes limited public access including public parking off Eastside Road, trail system, and small boat-in campground. The project proposes removal of Mineral Resources (MR) combining zone from APNS 066-290-049, 066-300-011, and 110-110-016, and change in General Plan land use and base zoning from Land Intensive Agriculture (LIA) to Land Extensive Agriculture (LEA) for APNs 066-300-011, 110-110-016, and
Contact Information
Robert Pennington
Agency Name
Permit Sonoma
Job Title
Professional Geologist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Statutory Exemption(s}. Sec 23. Section 21080.56 Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects.
Reasons for Exemption
As lead agency, Sonoma County has determinedthatthe Project is exclusively a project to conserve, restore, protect, or enhance, and assist in the recovery of California native fish and wildlife, and the habitat upon which they depend, and a
project to restore or provide habitat for California native fish and wildlife. The Project enhances connectivity between the Russian River and floodplain, restoring riverine processes to benefit native species including Central California Coast (CCC}
coho salmon, CCC steel head, and California Coastal (CC} Chinook salmon. The Project includes incidental public benefits with public access through a multi-use trail and boat-in campground. The Project results in long-term net benefits to climate resiliency, biodiversity, and sensitive species recovery; and includes procedures for ongoing management for the protection of the environment. A concurrence letter signed by the Director of CDFW was posted on CDFW's website on May 28, 2024, and was thereafter sent to and received by the County of Sonoma by email on June 6, 2024 (CDFW CONCURRENCE NO. 21080.56-2024-052-R3). In reliance on the CDFW letter and the facts stated herein, the County hereby determines the project is exempt.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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