Authorization to Advertise and Award a Construction Manager at Risk Contract for the Renovation of the Substance Use Residential Treatment Services Facility
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Diego County
Document Title
Authorization to Advertise and Award a Construction Manager at Risk Contract for the Renovation of the Substance Use Residential Treatment Services Facility
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Renovate the SURTS facility for major mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, kitchen and laundry facilities, modernizing dormitory rooms and office spaces, and general landscape improvements. Proposed renovations will bring the facility up to current standards of public health and safety to support the continued use for substance use treatment services.
Contact Information
Michael Pietrzak
Agency Name
County of San Diego
Job Title
Chief Major Maintenance
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
National City
San Diego
Southern California
Parcel #
557-150-19-00 and 557-150-20-00
Other Location Info
2300 and 2325 E 7th St., National City, CA 91950
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed renovation project at the Substance Use Residential Treatment Services (SURTS) facility is categorically exempt from the CEQA pursuant to Section 15301, as work involves the minor interior alteration of existing facilities and mechanical equipment, involving no expansion of the existing capacity or former use. The proposed alterations and replacement of mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment will ensure the facility meets current standards of public health and safety for future occupancy and use of the facility. The facility was formerly used as a substance use treatment facility and will continue to be operated as such after the renovations occur. The project is also exempt under Section 15304 of the CEQA Guidelines, as work may also include the replacement of landscaping and minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored in support of the general mechanical, electrical and plumbing work.
County Clerk
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
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