Wildlife Habitat and Community Resilience on Working Lands- Roots #18


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
Document Title
Wildlife Habitat and Community Resilience on Working Lands- Roots #18
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project is in partnership with NRCS’s Sage Grouse Initiative. Due to inflation, costs have risen leaving NRCS financial assistance deficient in covering project costs. The project consists of improving spring areas for wildlife and installing a livestock watering system to distribute livestock grazing impacts away from critical Sage Grouse brood rearing habitat in other meadow and spring areas on the property. The Hannah spring portion of the project involves re-vamping an existing spring development to supply water for two-500 gallon wildlife guzzlers. The spring will be fenced to allow improvement of the small wetland habitat. The guzzlers should provide clean water to wildlife year-round. The Horse Meadow Spring portion of the project currently flows water into a dirt tank/stock water pond. Horse Meadow spring will be fenced, and the pond area will be graded and planted back to meadow species. The overflow water will be piped to a livestock trough with a float. The livestock water portion of the project will involve installing livestock pipeline, a solar pump, tanks, and troughs, to place livestock watering facilities strategically in uplands to improve Sage-Grouse brooding rearing habitat.

Contact Information

Rebecca J. Fris
Agency Name
Wildlife Conservation Board
Job Title
Deputy Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


N/A- North of Susanville, CA; East of Termo, CA
Parcel #
APNs: 041-020-45-11, 041-020-48-11, 041-020-43-11, 041-020-46-11, 041-030-24-11, 041-030-24-11,
Other Location Info
Project site is a ranch in Lassen County with Sagebrush Steppe and Pine Woodlands at 5500 ft elevation. APNs: 041-020-45-11, 041-020-48-11, 041-020-43-11, 041-020-46-11, 041-030-24-11, 041-030-24-11, 041-070-25-11

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304: minor land alterations to land
Reasons for Exemption
WCB has determined that the objectives of enhancement and restoration of wildlife and pollinator habitat, and the implementation activities as designed for this project, will result in minor alterations to land and vegetation, and therefore fit within the CCR Section 15304 exemptions.
County Clerk


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