North Davis Early Childhood Education Expansion Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Davis Joint Union School District
Document Title
North Davis Early Childhood Education Expansion Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
he proposed project includes the construction of two new age/developmentally appropriate classrooms (1,350 sf each) and the relocation of one existing kindergarten classroom on the North Davis Elementary School site to accommodate the Davis Joint Unified School District's Early Childhood Education program, which includes the expansion of the District's transitional kindergarten program and the addition of extended day kindergarten at North Davis Elementary. The new classrooms will include self-contained restrooms, storage, teacher preparation areas, and wet and dry areas. The existing kindergarten classroom will be relocated adjacent to the existing kindergarten classroom building to create space for the new classrooms. Improvements also include relocation of one portable classroom to the blacktop adjacent to the field. In accordance with CDE Title 5 requirements and for purposes of improved safety and security, the proposed project will be located near the existing kindergarten classroom building and near the existing drop-off area. The proposed Project also includes related site work, grading, landscaping, fencing, utilities, and other improvements appurtenant thereto. Construction is anticipated to commence in the Summer of 2025, with anticipated occupancy in Fall of 2026.
Contact Information
Matt Best
Agency Name
Davis Joint Unified School District
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Cross Streets
555 E 14th St and Cedar PL
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3: Sec. 15303; Class 4: Sec. 15304; Class 11: Sec. 15311; Class 14: Sec. 15314; and Class 22: Sec. 15322.
Reasons for Exemption
Class 3: Construction and location of limited number of small, new facilities or structures and reasonable electrical power and other utility extensions. Class 4: Project consists of minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees. Class 11: The Project consists of the construction of minor structures accessory to the existing facilities. Class 14: Minor additions to an existing school site. Class 22: Project consists of the adoption, alteration, or termination of educational or training programs. Common Sense Exemption: It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed project involves any activity that may have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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