Local Flood Emergency Response Plan and Flood Fight Storage Containers
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mendocino County
Document Title
Local Flood Emergency Response Plan and Flood Fight Storage Containers
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Mendocino County is an at-risk region that requires additional resources to effectively address and support county-wide efforts around flood planning, resiliency, and response effectively. With only four incorporated cities, the County’s 3,800 square miles are primarily rural, and the majority of its ~91,000 residents live in or near the wildland-urban interface—interspersed between various population pools and pockets. Climate change has exacerbated hazards faced in this area in recent years, which include wildfire, drought, extreme heat events, severe winter storms, and associated flooding, poor air quality due to wildfires, agriculture and forestry pests and diseases, dune and bluff erosion, landslides and debris flows, and sea-level rise. Per FEMA’s National Risk Index, Mendocino County is in the 95.1 national percentile, has a “very high” social vulnerability, and the highest hazard type risk ratings are wildfire (97.3), drought (99.4), earthquake (98.4), landslide (99.5), and riverine flooding (96.0). In recent years, climate change-related hazards continued to be experienced throughout the County—from the 2017 firestorm through the severe winter storms of 2023. The project enables improved planning and County response capabilities during climate hazards that could impact infrastructure, including possible dam failure or landslides caused by excessive rainfall, flooding, and severe storms. The project addresses the loss of communications capability during climate hazard events, allowing the County of Mendocino to more effectively utilize a vital emergency communications method that has proven exceedingly valuable during previous emergency events. Key project components include: (1) preparation of a local flood emergency plan, (2) development and installation of maps and decision support tools for the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), (3) additional emergency communications equipment for the EOC, and (4) installation of four flood flight shipping containers to be placed strategically throughout the County.
Contact Information
Julia Krog
Agency Name
Mendocino County PBS
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California, Unincorporated
Other Location Info
Unincorporated areas of Mendocino County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15303(e) New Construction
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the preparation of a local flood emergency plan, maps, decision tools as well as improved emergency communications equipment and the installation of four flood flight shipping containers. The project is both categorically and statutorily exempt under CEQA Guidelines sections 15303(e), 15268, and 15269(c). CEQA Guidelines section 15303(e) includes new construction of accessory structures such as the four flood flight shipping containers. CEQA Guidelines section 15268 covers ministerial projects including building permits related to the four flood flight shipping containers. CEQA Guidelines section 15269(c) involves actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency such as the preparation of a local flood emergency plan, maps, decision tools and improved communications equipment for the County’s Emergency Operations Center.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15268 ministerial projects and 15269(c) emergency projects
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the preparation of a local flood emergency plan, maps, decision tools as well as improved emergency communications equipment and the installation of four flood flight shipping containers. The project is both categorically and statutorily exempt under CEQA Guidelines sections 15303(e), 15268, and 15269(c). CEQA Guidelines section 15303(e) includes new construction of accessory structures such as the four flood flight shipping containers. CEQA Guidelines section 15268 covers ministerial projects including building permits related to the four flood flight shipping containers. CEQA Guidelines section 15269(c) involves actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency such as the preparation of a local flood emergency plan, maps, decision tools and improved communications equipment for the County’s Emergency Operations Center.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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