1220 Hoover Street
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Menlo Park
Document Title
1220 Hoover Street
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Demolition of two existing detached residences and construction of a new eight-unit condominium project consisting of approximately 8,554 square feet of gross floor area and 13 parking spaces. The project would include six market rate units, one unit provided at below market rate, and one additional market rate unit in accordance with California State Density Bonus Law.
Contact Information
Chris Turner
Agency Name
City of Menlo Park
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Menlo Park
San Mateo
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15332 - Infill Development Project
Reasons for Exemption
The project would be consistent with the Medium Density Residential General Plan land use designation and the applicable R-3 zoning standards and applicable waivers per State Density Bonus Law because the project would comply with the allowed density, FAR, landscaping requirements, height, and parking requirements in the R-3 district around downtown, with the exception of requested waivers. The project site is located within city limits and is 10,995 square feet in area. The project site is surrounded by other developed properties in the R-3 and SP-ECR-D zoning districts, which are developed with residential and commercial uses. The project site is developed with two existing residences and related improvements and has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The project is exempt from the City’s transportation impact analysis thresholds because it would create less than 100 vehicle trips per day and is located within one-half mile from an existing major transit stop, and therefore, the project would be unlikely to result in impacts to air quality and traffic. The project size and scale would result in typical construction methods limiting construction impacts relating to air quality. Project was reviewed by the Engineering Division for compliance with applicable requirements related to hydrology and water quality and found to be in compliance with applicable water quality standards. Noise would be limited through compliance with City standards and applicable ConnectMenlo and 6th Cycle Housing Element Update Subsequent EIR mitigation measures. Project operations would be required to comply with the noise ordinance requirements including for ground-mounted and roof-mounted mechanical equipment, such as HVAC and heat pump units. The project would be adequately served by all required utilities, including emergency vehicle access based on the project design including applicable waivers from development standards.
County Clerk
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
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