Automated License Plate Reader Cameras
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Rocklin
Document Title
Automated License Plate Reader Cameras
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City of Rocklin Police Department proposes this project that includes the installation and operation of six (6) stationary automated license plate reader (ALPR) cameras at ingress and egress locations within the City of Rocklin. The ALPR cameras capture an image of the rear of passing vehicles that are within the cameras field of view and scans the vehicles license plate. Vehicle information is automatically checked against regional and national databases, including but not limited to databases of stolen vehicles, stolen license plates, vehicles associated with missing or kidnapped individuals, vehicles wanted as part of a criminal investigation, and/or used to respond to emergencies like critical incidents or other life threatening situations. The proposed project would assist the City of Rocklin Police
Department with their responsibility to enhance public safety and investigate crimes within Rocklin.
Each ALPR camera is stationary, pole-mounted, and located adjacent to the roadway within the public right-of-way. Each ALPR camera is solar/battery-powered and enabled with cellular service. Placement of the ALPR cameras is on land owned and maintained by the State of California (i.e. California Department of Transportation). The six (6) stationary ALPR cameras would be installed at four (4) entrance ramps and two (2) exit ramps of lnterstate-80 located at Sierra College Blvd ., in Rocklin, California.
Each ALPR includes a camera, solar panel, and battery that are mounted to an approximate 2.5-inch diameter schedule 40 steel pole. The steel pole is located within approximately 15 feet from the edge of roadway, extends approximately 11.5 feet above the ground surface, and is supported by an approximate 12-inch diameter by 30-inch deep concrete foundation . The so lar panel/battery are mounted at approximately 11.5 feet above ground surface and the camera is mounted at approximately 10.5 feet above ground surface. Mounting configuration may be adjusted to optimize equipment operation. The camera, solar panel/battery, and steel pole are black in appearance, while the mounting hardware are silver in appearance. Ground disturbance of approximately 1 square foot at each of the six (6) ALPR camera locations are necessary for construction of the steel pole foundations.
Contact Information
Justin Nartker
Agency Name
City of Rocklin
Job Title
Director of Public Works
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
I-80 and Sierra College Boulevard
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15301, Class 1 - Existing Facilities, and
Reasons for Exemption
Installation and operation of ALPR cameras at locations in the City of Rocklin is a project exempt under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (Class 1- Existing Facilities) and Section 15303 (Class 3 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). The installation and operation of ALPR cameras includes the construction of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures, and minor alteration of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of existing use. The ALPR cameras are relatively small in size and orientation, located within the the existing improved public right-of-way, and located adjacent to existing transportation infrastructure. There are no unusual circumstances that would result in a reasonable possibility of a significant effect on the· environment. The proposed project is exempt under the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 and Section 15303, and no further environmental review
is required.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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