Compton College Student Housing Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Compton Community College District
Document Title
Compton College Student Housing Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Compton Community College District (District) proposes to construct student housing for homeless and low-income students at the Compton College Campus (proposed project). The District proposes to develop a 251-bed (151 units) student housing structure to house homeless and low-income students on a 2.82-acre site at the northeastern quadrant of the campus. The project will be funded through the State’s Student Housing Grant. Phase 1 development would include soil mitigation (deep soil mixing), installation of underground utilities and rough grading. Phase 2 of the project would include a 3-story structure totaling 90,422 square feet and 45 feet high, that would contain 50 two-bed units without in-suite bathrooms totaling 100 beds; 50 two-bed units with in-suite bathrooms totaling 100 beds; and 51 one-bed studio units for a combined total of 251 beds in 151 units as well as study lounges, shared kitchens, shared bathrooms, lobby, shared laundry, and an office. One of the studio units would be reserved for a resident director. Parking would consist of 6 new stalls with striping, for loading and unloading. Other site improvements would include new utility service connections and additional hardscape and landscape improvements along the north, south, west, and east sides of the buildings. Vehicular access to the east end and north end of the facility’s parking lot/circulation aisle would be provided from Main Campus Drive and South Campus Drive. Main Campus Drive and South Campus Drive are supported by three-way stop signs. Parking for the students would be provided on the north and east side of the project site. One new van ADA stall, and five loading and unloading parking stalls would be added to Parking Lot F. No changes are proposed to the access and circulation of the parking lots. Construction is targeted to begin in June 2024 with a target completion date of August 2026. All construction equipment and workers will be within the boundaries of the project site, and contractors will adhere to construction noise regulations. Certain utility and street infrastructure as well as trees would be removed, and the remaining infrastructure and adjacent trees would be protected during project construction.
Contact Information
Dr. Keith Curry
Agency Name
Compton Community College District
Job Title
President, CEO
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
E. Artesia Boulevard and Main Campus Drive
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
SR-91 and I 710
Compton College
Other Location Info
The project site is at 1111 East Artesia Boulevard in the City of Compton (City), in Los Angeles County (County). The project site includes Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APN] 7318-006-900 (project site). Compton College’s Parking lot F borders the project site to the north. The site is also bordered to the east by main campus drive with single-family residential uses across the roadway. The Compton College campus (campus) borders the project site to the north, east, west and south. Regional access to the site is provided via State Route-91 (SR-91), and Interstate 710 (I 710) approximately 0.05 mile to the south and 0.9 miles to the east, respectively.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 32
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 – In-Fill Development Projects. Class 32 consists of projects characterized as in-fill development meeting the conditions described in this section. As described above, the project is a student housing project. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 (Exceptions), a categorical exemption is not allowed if the project would have one of the following impacts: 1) cumulative impact; 2) significant effect; 3) impact to scenic highways; 4) hazardous impact due to project being located on any hazardous materials list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code; and 5) impact on historical resources. The proposed project has been reviewed under Section 15300.2 for any characteristics or circumstances that might invalidate findings that the project is exempt under Section 15332. A supplement is available for review at Compton College,1111 East Artesia Boulevard, Compton, CA 90221. It determined that the proposed project would not have a significant impact, and exceptions under Section 15300.2 would not prohibit the use of an exemption for this project. Therefore, project implementation meets the criteria under Class 32, and the District has determined that the proposed project is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15332.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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