Second-Floor Review (DEV-2023-0104)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of La Cañada Flintridge
Document Title
Second-Floor Review (DEV-2023-0104)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves first and second-floor expansion and remodeling of an existing two-story residence to increase habitable living area and onsite garage parking space for the use and enjoyment of the subject property by the owners

Contact Information

Chris Gjolme
Agency Name
City of La Canada Flintridge
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


La Cañada Flintridge
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
1 Civic Center Drive
State Highways
La Can

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15305
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves first and second-floor expansion of an existing two-story residence, including expansion of an existing two-car garage. The project complies with all applicable zoning code standards pertaining to allowable floor area and building height. The garage currently encroaches into the required west side setback. The garage would be expanded but the westerly two feet of the garage would be removed to increase the side setback to five feet, the minimum required by the City's Zoning Code. The addition would increase the parking capacity of the garage from two cars to four cars, while the encroachment would be lessened through the project. The garage's longstanding location would combine with dense, mature landscaping along the west property line to mitigate any view, use or massing impacts that could potentially result from expansion as proposed. The building pad is largely flat and no grading or major landscaping alteration is proposed as part of the project.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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