Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Projects at Five LAUSD Campuses


SCH Number
Public Agency
Los Angeles Unified School District
Document Title
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Projects at Five LAUSD Campuses
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The scope of the project includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance improvements at five Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school campuses; 95th Street Elementary School (ES), Bancroft Middle School (MS), Broad ES, Pinewood ES, and Webster MS (Campuses) (Project). These ADA compliance improvements are legal requirements mandated by the Division of State Architect (DSA) and may include one or more of the following components at each of the Campuses: upgrades to accessible routes and removal of barriers; upgrades to ADA restrooms; installation of ADA compliant ramps; installation of platform lifts; installation of ADA compliant drinking fountains and sinks; locker room upgrades; installation of accessible gates, doors, thresholds, and/or hardware; ADA compliant signage; modification of counters; installation of accessible parking stalls/loading zones; modification of assembly seats; modification of railings; installation of assistive listening devices/intercom/phones; modification of an existing elevator; and installation of a new elevator. The table below summarizes the various ADA compliance improvements that would occur at each school as part of the Project.

Contact Information

Christy Wong
Agency Name
Los Angeles Unified School District
Job Title
CEQA Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
• 95th Street Elementary School - 1109 West 96th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90044 • Bancroft Middle School - 929 North Las Palmas Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038 • Broad Elementary School - 24815 Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744 • Pinewood Avenue Elementary School - 10111 Silverton Avenue, Tujunga, CA 91042 • Webster Middle School - 11330 West Graham Place, Los Angeles, CA 90064

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15302, 15303, 15311
Reasons for Exemption
The Project entails ADA compliance improvements at five LAUSD Campuses. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, upgrades to accessible routes and removal of barriers; upgrades to ADA restrooms; installation of ADA compliant ramps; installation of platform lifts; installation of ADA compliant drinking fountains and sinks; locker room upgrades; installation of accessible gates, doors, thresholds, and/or hardware; ADA compliant signage; modification of counters; installation of accessible parking stalls/loading zones; modification of assembly seats; modification of railings; installation of assistive listening devices/intercom/phones; modification of an existing elevator; and installation of a new elevator. All of the proposed Project components would involve minor alterations to existing public structures and would occur within the area occupied by existing facilities at the Project sites. The Project components would not present a new or expanded use of the Project sites. Therefore, the Project constitutes minor alterations to existing school sites that result in no expansion of use and meets the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15301. The Project includes upgrades or replacement of existing structures and facilities, such as upgrades to accessible route upgrades and removal of barriers; upgrades to ADA restrooms; modification to counters; locker room upgrades; installation of accessible parking stalls/loading zones; modification of assembly seats; modification of railings; installation of assistive listening devices/intercom/phones; and modification of an existing elevator. The Project would not change the location or the purpose of the structures and facilities being replaced and will not expand the capacity of the Campuses. Therefore, the Project satisfies the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15302. The Project includes the construction and location of small new structures, such as the installation of ADA compliant ramps; installation of platform lifts; installation of ADA compliant drinking fountains and sinks; installation of accessible gates, doors, thresholds, and/or hardware; creation of accessible parking stalls and loading zones through restriping; and installation of a new elevator. The Project also includes the installation of small new equipment, such as the installation of assistive listening devices, intercoms, and/or phones. Therefore, the Project satisfies the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15303. The Project includes the construction or replacement of minor structures accessory to existing institutional facilities, including upgrades to accessible routes; installation of ADA compliant ramps; installation of platform lifts; installation of ADA compliant drinking fountains and sinks; installation of accessible gates, doors, thresholds and/or hardware; modification of counters; installation of accessible parking stalls/loading zones; modification of assembly seats modifications; modification of railings; modification of assistive listening devices/intercom/phones; and modification of an existing elevator. Therefore, the Project satisfies the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15311.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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