Cody Gambril, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map and concurrent Development Plan / Coastal Development Permit, C-SUB2022-00006 (ED23-136)
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Cody Gambril, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map and concurrent Development Plan / Coastal Development Permit, C-SUB2022-00006 (ED23-136)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A request by Cody Gambril for a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map and a concurrent Development Plan / Coastal Development Permit (C-SUB2022-00006/CO 22-0032) to subdivide an existing 10,617 gross-square-foot parcel into a Planned Development consisting of two 2,965 gross-square-foot parcels (Parcel 1 & Parcel 2), one 4,686 gross-square-foot parcel (Parcel 3) and construction of one single family residence on each of the resulting parcels for the purpose of resale or development. Each resulting parcel would consist of one single-family residence ranging from 1,838 sq. ft. to 2,415 sq. ft. in floor areas, 576 sq. ft. to 1,074 sq. ft. in garage areas, and 598 sq. ft. to 849 sq. ft. in deck areas. Also requested is the use of all three units as residential vacation rentals and a modification to the location standard pursuant to Section 23.08.165(c)(3). The project is within the Residential Multi-Family land use category and is located at 2821 Avila Beach Drive within the community of Avila Beach. The site is in the Coastal Zone and the San Luis Bay Coastal Planning Area.
Contact Information
Eric Tolle
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Unincorporated Area (Avila Beach)
San Luis Obispo
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15183 and Section 15162
Reasons for Exemption
The Environmental Coordinator finds that the previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) is adequate for the purposes of compliance with CEQA because no substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revision of the previously certified FEIR, no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstance under which the project is undertaken which will require major revision of the previously certified FEIR, and no new information of substantial importance has been identified which was not known at the time that the previous FEIR was certified.
A Final Environmental Impact Report was certified by the Board of Supervisors for the Avila Beach Specific Plan on April 11, 2000. The Avila Beach Specific Plan is incorporated by reference into the community plan (San Luis Bay Coastal Area Plan) and part of the County General Plan Land Use Element. Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15183 an EIR prepared for a Community Plan can be used for a project that is determined to be consistent with that Plan. No significant impacts of the project have been identified and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15162, no project specific mitigation measures are necessary. The mitigation measures identified in the certified Final EIR prepared for the Specific Plan are adequate.
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo
Notice of Exemption
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