High Valleys Water District Pipeline Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
High Valleys Water District
Document Title
High Valleys Water District Pipeline Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The High Valleys Water District (HVWD) Pipeline Project proposes to replace an existing 2-inch waterline, which is insufficient to serve its connections, with an 8-inch waterline with two 4-inch spurs. The new waterline would be constructed in the right of way of Twin Pines Road and would be approximately 2,800 feet long. The two 4-inch spurs would be on private property and would total approximately 1,880 feet in length between the two of them. The 8-inch line would tie into an existing 8-inch line under Twin Pines Road near the intersection of Summer Breeze Road. The new pipeline would include service connections and meters to each house it serves, plus a number of new fire hydrants.

Contact Information

Stan Houghton
Agency Name
High Valleys Water District
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Southern California
Other Location Info
Along Twin Pines Road near the intersection of Summer Breeze Road approximately four miles southeast of the City of Banning.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would replace the existing 2-inch waterline with an 8-inch waterline with two 4-inch spurs within HVWD’s service area. The existing 2-inch water main lacks the capacity to maintain fire flows and has intermittent low pressure. The new waterline would be appropriately sized to adequately support its existing connections. The 8-inch pipeline would be approximately 2,800 feet long. The two 4-inch spurs would be on private property and would total approximately 1,880 feet in length. In total, the new pipeline to be constructed would be 4,680 feet, which is less than a mile long and meets the pipeline standards of the statutory exemption.

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15282 (k)
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would replace the existing 2-inch waterline with an 8-inch waterline with two 4-inch spurs within HVWD’s service area. The existing 2-inch water main lacks the capacity to maintain fire flows and has intermittent low pressure. The new waterline would be appropriately sized to adequately support its existing connections. The 8-inch pipeline would be approximately 2,800 feet long. The two 4-inch spurs would be on private property and would total approximately 1,880 feet in length. In total, the new pipeline to be constructed would be 4,680 feet, which is less than a mile long and meets the pipeline standards of the statutory exemption.
County Clerk


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