Olympic Valley PSD - Olympic Valley Mututal Water Company Emergency Intertie Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Olympic Valley Public Service District
Document Title
Olympic Valley PSD - Olympic Valley Mututal Water Company Emergency Intertie Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
There are two public water systems in the Olympic Valley, the Olympic Valley Public Service District (OVPSD) and the Olympic Valley Mutual Water Company (OVMWC), that provide domestic water to residents for health and human safety, and fire protection purposes. Currently, the water systems are not hydraulically connected. Interties or interconnections between separate public water systems that allow the exchange, or delivery, of water between those systems is essential to improve water supply reliability. The OVPSD-OVMWC Emergency Intertie Project is necessary to improve water supply reliability. The construction of the Emergency Intertie will enhance water supply reliability in the Valley during emergency events such as power outages, water supply contamination, mechanical well failures, fires, and other unforeseeable emergencies that would result in an interruption of service. The Emergency Intertie Project entails the construction of a pressure reducing valve (PRV) station and a booster pump station (BPS). The PRV will be adjacent to Olympic Valley Rd. and the Olympic Valley bike trail, at the intersection of Russell Rd. The new facility will include a 6’x11’ concrete vault with a PRV and appurtenant pipe and valves, and approximately 100 linear feet of waterline to connect the water systems. The location of the PRV vault will be in the dirt shoulder between the road and the bike path in the Placer County right of way. The BPS will be constructed within the OVMWC’s existing Wellhouse #1. Approximately 125 linear feet of waterline will be constructed to connect the water systems in the Palisades Tahoe paved parking area within a waterline easement.
Contact Information
Jessica Asher
Agency Name
Olympic Valley Public Service District
Job Title
Board Secretary
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Olympic Valley
Northern California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15303 - New Construction
Reasons for Exemption
Under the CEQA guidelines, a project qualifies for a class 3 Categorical Exemption when “it consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in smaller structures;…” including “Water main, sewerage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction.” (CEQA Guidelines Section 15303).
The Emergency Intertie Project qualifies for a Class 3, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures (Section 15303) since it includes construction of one (1) new small underground water system facility and conversion of one (1) existing small water system facility, and installation of approximately 225 lineal feet of water main to connect the facilities. The sole purpose of the project is to provide critical water system reliability for the protection of public health and safety and fire protection in the event of a water supply or water system failure or other unforeseeable emergency. Both new facilities will be installed in previously disturbed areas and construction Best Management Practices will be employed throughout the project to ensure protection of the environment, both during and after construction.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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