Trucked Recycled Water Program Use Area Expansion


SCH Number
Public Agency
Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD)
Document Title
Trucked Recycled Water Program Use Area Expansion
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project expands the trucked recycled water program of the current boundary to an expanded area. The intent of the project is to allow water haulers to transport disinfected secondary 2.2 recycled water or tertiary recycled water within economical hauling distances from the District's wastewater treatment plant for the following uses: backfill consolidation around non-potable piping, soil compaction, mixing of concrete, dust control on roads and streets, cleaning roads, sidewalks, and outdoor work areas, and restricted access freeway landscape irrigation. The project will lessen the impact on small water systems in the region who have been supplying potable water for this need. The District has an approved Title 22 Engineering Report, satisfying State requirements for a trucked recycled water program.

Contact Information

Michael Draper
Agency Name
Mammoth Community Water District
Job Title
Principal Administrative Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


Mammoth Lakes
Other Location Info
A portion of Mono County, south of State Route 120 East, west of U.S. Route 6, east of Mammoth Scenic Loop road, and including CA Route 203.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 and Common-Sense
Reasons for Exemption
This program complies with State Water Resources Control Board General Order WQ 2016-0068-DDW including all mitigating requirements. Class 1 consists of operation of and minor alterations of existing facilities involving no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. The common sense exemption applies "Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment..." MCWD has an established Trucked Recycled Water Program to reduce dependency of potable water use for construction projects and other approved uses. This project expands the geographic area where trucked recycled water from the District can be used. The environmental benefit of using recycled water preserves potable water supply and reduces the District's and other potable water systems' needs for increased surface and groundwater extraction, thus preserving the water for other beneficial uses. This project does not require new facilities to be constructed and will decrease potable water consumption for the use of construction projects and other approved uses.
County Clerk


Notice of Exemption

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