Zone Change RZ23-006 & Conditional Use Permit CUP23-003


SCH Number
Public Agency
Tuolumne County
Document Title
Zone Change RZ23-006 & Conditional Use Permit CUP23-003
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
1. Ordinance for Zone Change RZ23-006 to rezone a 6.07± acre parcel (APN 035- 350-016) from RE-1:MX (Residential Estate, 1-Acre Minimum:Mobilehome Exclusion Combining District) to RE-5:MX (Residential Estate, 5-Acre Minimum:Mobilehome Exclusion Combining District), under Title 17 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code. 2. Conditional Use Permit CUP23-003 to allow the development of outdoor wildlife facilities on APN 035-350-016.

Contact Information

Clark Sintek
Agency Name
Tuolumne County
Job Title
Planner II
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Total Acres
Parcel #
2 N
14 E
Other Location Info
The project site is located at 20500 Shaws Flat Road, approximately 1 ,037± feet northwest of the intersection of Shaws Flat Road and the private driveway to the main residence in an unincorporated area of the County of Tuolumne, directly southwest of the City of Sonora. Within a portion of Section 25, Township 2 North, and Range 14 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. Within Supervisorial District 1. Assessor’s Parcel Number 035-350-016.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
(Sec. 15061(b)(3))
Reasons for Exemption
After reviewing the project and its setting, the Environmental Coordinator for the County of Tuolumne has determined that the Zone Change is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 1 5061 (b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines because the activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. The project consists of rezoning a 6.07± acre parcel from RE-1:MX to RE-5:MX under Title 17 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code (TCOC). The project will not result in an increase in the number of parcels or an increase in the residential density potential or land use intensity of the project site. The use permit is to conditionally allow the development of outdoor wildlife facilities on a parcel zoned RE-5. This use has been determined to have little or no impact on the environment based on the rural nature of parcel. Impacts to the resource section questions listed in the CEQA Appendix G checklist were all considered “less than significant impact,” or “no impact.” Therefore, there is no possibility that the rezoning and conditional use permit would have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk


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