Mountain Drive February 2024 Storm Repair Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Barbara
Document Title
Mountain Drive February 2024 Storm Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this repair and maintenance Project is to restore a section of West Mountain Drive that was severely damaged due to a slope failure during the recent storm events on February 17-20th, 2024. Permanent repairs are needed to restore this embankment failure on the eastern downslope side of the roadway.
Contact Information
Kaitlin Mamulski
Agency Name
City of Santa Barbara
Job Title
Project Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15269 (d) Emergency Projects
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines Section 15269 (d) Emergency Projects. This Project meets Section 15269 Emergency Projects (d) statutory exemption, because the repair of West Mountain Drive, which was damaged by recent flood events, is an existing road Right-of-Way (ROW) and the repair activity is being initiated within a year of the storm event and there is no increase in roadway capacity.
Archaeology. The Project site is located adjacent to a Prehistoric Watercourse Buffer Area, however, Phase I Reports within 50’ of the Project confirmed that no potentially significant prehistoric or historic archaeological resources were identified and had no cultural resource restrictions. Further, the proposed Project area is located on a portion of the parcel that is not located directly within the Prehistoric Watercourse Buffer Area. Therefore, the effect on archaeological resources is considered less than significant.
Biology. The Project site is within chaparral/oak woodland and bordered by Riparian Woodland or Forest habitat and is identified as an Important Wildlife Area. Sensitive species including the Catalina Mariposa-Lily and Cooper’s Hawk have been observed near the Project site on adjacent parcels to the west and east. A pre-construction Biological Survey will be required prior to work commencing. Therefore, the effect on biological resources is considered less than significant.
Geology. The Project is located within an area of very high erosion potential and high landslide potential. This Project is being completed in response to storm and landslide related damage to the existing roadway and will improve the current hazardous road condition. Therefore, the effect on geology is considered a beneficial impact.
High Fire Hazard Area. The Project site is located within the Extreme Foothill High Fire Hazard Area. Work in High Fire Hazard Areas will not be permitted on “Red Flag Alert” days, as required by the Santa Barbara City and County Fire Departments. All work within High Fire Hazard Areas is subject to regulation and BMPs as outlined by the Project Specifications and Contract documents. Following BMPs the effect on fire hazard is considered less than significant.
Floodway. The Project site is located within the “AE”, FEMA 2021 Flood Zone. The proposed road repairs will restore ROW conditions to safe standards, better serving the public in flood conditions. Given the nature of the repair work, the effect on the floodway will be a beneficial impact.
Noise. The Project will involve subsurface excavation or pile driving, and equipment with potential to create noise or vibration. There are residential properties in close proximity to the Project site, therefore, to alleviate the potential for noise impacts to adjacent properties, no work will be allowed outside of the authorized working hours of 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Public notice will be provided to the adjacent property owners prior to construction.
In conclusion, the Project is proposed to repair major damage from February 2024 storm related slope failure at West Mountain Drive. The Project is not anticipated to result in any significant impacts towards the environmental resources, therefore, the Public Works Department recommends that the Case Planner consider this Project as exempt, as defined in the CEQA review process classified under the Emergency Projects 15269 (d) Statutory Exemption of the CEQA Guidelines.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara
Notice of Exemption
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