CSA Dissolutions- Resolution No. 304-1


SCH Number
Public Agency
Tuolumne County
Document Title
CSA Dissolutions- Resolution No. 304-1
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Dissolving the Jupiter Subdivision Unit 1 County Service Area (CSA) No. 4, Lake Don Pedro Units 4 and 5 CSA No. 8, Curtis Creek Ranch Unit 2 CSA No. 31, Sunny Hill Subdivision CSA No. 40, Buena Oaks Estates CSA No. 45, Mountain Ridge Estates CSA No. 46, Yosemite Estates CSA No. 50, Gina Avenue CSA No. 52, Vilas Lane CSA No. 55, and Granite Ridge Subdivision CSA No. 61 and their respective Spheres of Influence.

Contact Information

Quincy Yaley
Agency Name
Tuolumne County
Job Title
Executive Officer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Information
Dissolving the Jupiter Subdivision Unit 1 County Service Area (CSA) No. 4, Lake Don Pedro Units 4 and 5 CSA No. 8, Curtis Creek Ranch Unit 2 CSA No. 31, Sunny Hill Subdivision CSA No. 40, Buena Oaks Estates CSA No. 45, Mountain Ridge Estates CSA No. 46, Yosemite Estates CSA No. 50, Gina Avenue CSA No. 52, Vilas Lane CSA No. 55, and Granite Ridge Subdivision CSA No. 61 and their respective Spheres of Influence.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15320
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15320 of the State CEQA Guidelines because the proposal consists of changes in the organization of local governmental agencies where the changes do not alter the geographical area in which previously existing powers are exercised.
County Clerk


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