Claremont Forest Resiliency Project (SNC 1632)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Claremont Forest Resiliency Project (SNC 1632)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) is funding the #1632 Claremont Forest Resiliency Project (Proposed Project) located in Plumas County adjacent to the communities of Meadow Valley and Quincy, the County seat. Situated in the Plumas National Forest (PNF), the project is in the Feather River watershed and borders the Middle Fork of the National Wild and Scenic Feather River. The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) will work with the PNF to protect communities and wildlife habitat by completing an approximately 950-acre project that includes four separate strategically placed treatment units within a mosaic of units implemented by the United States Forest Service (USFS) and other adjacent landowners. The MDF’s treatment units will accomplish fuels reduction and forest-health treatments utilizing activities which include but are not limited to mechanical thinning (including mastication), hand thinning, and piling, following a variable density thinning approach. Depending on available markets for biomass material at the time of removal, the material will either be transported to a biomass facility or piled and burned. The project is part of the PNF’s 30,000-acre landscape-scale Claremont Forest Resiliency Project focused on reducing the risk of high-severity wildfire threat to communities and wildlife habitat, improving forest health, controlling non-native invasive species, and improving watershed conditions.
Contact Information
Mary Akens
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Job Title
Legal Counsel
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Adjacent to the south side of Quincy
Northern California
Other Location Info
Approximately 950 acres in Plumas National Forest, Mount Hough Ranger District, adjacent to the south side of the communities of Meadow Valley and Quincy, in the Feather River watershed. Project center at approximately -120.945, 39.914 degrees.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Pub. Resources Code, section 4799.05, subd. (d)(1)
Reasons for Exemption
Public Resources Code, section 4799.05 statutorily exempts from CEQA projects for prescribed fire, reforestation, habitat restoration, thinning, or fuel-reduction projects, or to related activities included in the project description, undertaken, in whole or in part, on federal lands to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire that have been reviewed under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) if the primary role of a state or local agency is providing funding or staffing for those projects. The SNC is funding the project to conduct fuels reduction and forest-health treatments in the PNF. The project was reviewed in its entirety under NEPA in the PNF Claremont Forest Resiliency Project Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impacts, with final Decision Notice for the EA/FONSI documents signed on April 7, 2023.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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