Jefferson Elementary School New Classrooms


SCH Number
Public Agency
Cloverdale Unified School District
Document Title
Jefferson Elementary School New Classrooms
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Cloverdale Unified School District will create a new transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten (K) area at the Jefferson Elementary campus. This project will replace 11 existing portable buildings in the northern portion of the campus, south of Venezia Way, with two new modular buildings. Eight of the existing portables will be removed at the beginning of the project and the other three will remain in use through construction and be removed once the new classrooms can be occupied. Fencing will be installed around the new classrooms to define an exclusive TK/K outdoor play area to create a dedicated TK/K mini-campus within the larger elementary school campus. A dedicated drop off will also be provided. Emergency access to the TK/K mini-campus will be provided from Venezia Way. In the 2023/2024 academic year, enrollment at Jefferson Elementary school is 500 students in grades TK through 4, 131 of which are TK and K students. The project will result in a net increase of one classroom and the new TK/K classrooms will be able to accommodate a total of 192 students based on the currently allowed 24 students per classroom. The State plans to reduce the room capacity to 20 students per classroom in 2023-2024 school year which would bring the total additional student capacity to 160.

Contact Information

Glen Senestraro
Agency Name
Cloverdale Unified School District
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Parcel #
001-011-015 and 001-011-021

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15302, 15303, and 15314
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA provides' several "categorical exemptions" which are applicable to categories of projects and activities that the Lead Agency has determined generally do not pose a risk of significant impacts on the environment. The project consists of new construction within an existing school campus within the developed urban area of the City of Cloverdale. The project is exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 - Replacement or Reconstruction, Section 15303 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, and Section 15314 - Minor Additions to Schools.
County Clerk


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