Palm Villas at State - SDR23-008, MAP 23-009, and VAR 23-002
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Hemet
Document Title
Palm Villas at State - SDR23-008, MAP 23-009, and VAR 23-002
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is located at 761 North State Street,generally south of State Route 79, north of State Route 74, and east of Interstate 215 inthe City of Hemet, Riverside County, California. The site is depicted on the San Jacinto quadrangle of the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic map series in an un-sectioned area of Township 5 South, Range 1 East. Specifically, the project site is bounded to the south by West Menlo Avenue and partially bounded to the east by
North State Street. It lies south of Fruitvale Avenue and east of North Palm Avenue withinAssessor’s Parcel Numbers 439-060-009, -010, -011, -014, -015, and -439-281-035.
Contact Information
Monique Alaniz-Flejter
Agency Name
The City of Hemet
Job Title
Community Development Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
South Fruitvale Avenue & East North Palm
Parcel #
439-060-009, -010, -011, -014, -015, and -439-281-035
Other Location Info
The project is located at 761 North State Street,
generally south of State Route 79, north of State Route 74, and east of Interstate 215 inthe City of Hemet, Riverside County, California. The site is depicted on the San Jacinto quadrangle of the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic map series in an un-sectioned area of Township 5 South, Range 1 East. Specifically, the project site is bounded to the south by West Menlo Avenue and partially bounded to the east by North State Street. It lies south of Fruitvale Avenue and east of North Palm Avenue within Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 439-060-009, -010, -011, -014, -015, and -439-281-035.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Section 21080.40 as signed into law on October 11, 2023 under AB 1449
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project qualifies as “exempt” pursuant to Section 21080.40 of CEQA per AS 1449
signed by Governor Newson on October 11, 2023.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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