Zobeto Winery / Minor Use Permit; N-DRC2023-00013 ED23-145 & ED24-011


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Zobeto Winery / Minor Use Permit; N-DRC2023-00013 ED23-145 & ED24-011
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A request by Christie and Cliff Cate for a Minor Use Permit to allow the phased development of a 6,523 square foot winery facility with 1,369 square feet of outdoor use areas. The two-phase project consists of a new 546-square-foot indoor tasting room, 429 square feet of outdoor tasting area, 5,977 square feet of wine production and storage area including a 938-square-foot exterior crush pad. The applicant is requesting two modifications to setback standards in Section 22.30.070 to allow a 76.5’ southern property line setback instead of the ordinance standard of 100’ for wine processing buildings and 200’ for tasting rooms. Additionally, the applicant is requesting a modification to Section 22.20.060 to allow 134 square feet of signage instead of the ordinance standard of 34 square feet. The project will result in the disturbance of approximately 1.93 acres with 3,866 cubic yards of cut and 3,456 cubic yards of fill on a 29-acre parcel. The proposed project is within the Agriculture land use category and is located at 1385 Arbor Road in the community of Paso Robles. The site is in the Salinas River Sub Area of the North County Planning Area.

Contact Information

Jessica Macrae
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo
Parcel #

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15303; Class 3
Reasons for Exemption
The project is the phased development of a small winery facility and tasting room. The project is proposed in (2) two phases and will result in minimal site disturbance, approximately 1.93 acres of disturbance on the 29-acre parcel. The project has been designed to avoid steep slopes and environmentally sensitive areas. The indoor and outdoor tasting area totals 975 square feet, and the project does not propose to participate in any winery special events. The applicant is requesting to participate in industry-wide events only as allowed per the ordinance. The tasting room would generate three (3) additional PM peak hour trips. Public Works reviewed the proposed project and did not identify any significant traffic impacts. Site improvements will include improving the existing approach and access road from Arbor Road to a 24- foot-wide paved access road with new extension around the winery site. The project would not alter existing transportation facilities or result in the generation of substantial additional trips or vehicle miles traveled. Potential impacts related to emergency access would be less than significant. A Biological Resources Assessment (BRA) was completed for this project in May 2023 and provided a series of avoidance and minimization measures to reduce any anticipated impacts to special status plants and wildlife. Implementation of the recommended measures will avoid and reduce impacts to sensitive resources to a less than significant level, therefore no impacts to the environment are expected to occur with this project. The project site is located in an area 0-5 minutes from the Templeton Urban Reserve Line (URL) and all public services and utilities including but not limited to Fire protection, water, and sewer are available to serve the project site. A fire protection engineer has reviewed the proposed project and recommended a minimum of 68,130 gallons of fire water always be reserved for the fire sprinkler system and site hydrant(s). Additionally, the location of the proposed fire suppression tanks will provide enough elevation difference to the winery building to develop adequate pressure for supplying the fire sprinkler system and site hydrant(s) without requiring a fire pump. There are three existing wells on the site which will supply the estimated required 152,000 gallons of water per year. This accounts for water demands of the production facility, employees, tasting room and visitors, and landscaping. The proposed project site is in the Atascadero Sub-basin and not subject to the County’s water off-set ordinances. Therefore, there would be no impact relating to implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan. The winery’s proposed maximum annual production of 500 cases in 2025 and eventually up to 5,000 cases, which will qualify for a small winery discharge waiver through Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The wastewater will be treated, and land applied under provisions of the RWQCB winery wastewater waiver. The applicant is required to comply with the California Fire Code, California Building Code, the Public Resources Code, and any other applicable fire laws. No mitigation measures beyond those required by County ordinances are necessary to address the environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. Therefore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061 (b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is a request for the phased development of a small winery production facility that will include a tasting room. The indoor and outdoor tasting areas total 975 square feet and the project is not proposing to participate in any winery special events. The applicant is requesting to participate in industry-wide events only as allowed per the ordinance. A Roadway Safety Audit (RSA) determined that the project is expected to generate a total of three production related peak hour trips, and no general peak hour trips. Public Works reviewed the proposed project and did not identify any significant traffic impacts. Site improvements will include a new commercial entry location from Arbor Road to the winery facility. The project would not alter existing transportation facilities or result in the generation of substantial additional trips or vehicle miles traveled. Potential impacts related to emergency access would be less than significant because the new commercial driveway will be built to Cal Fire standards. The project will result in approximately 1.9 acres (84,000 square feet) of site disturbance including 3,866 cubic yards of cut and 3,456 cubic yards of fill on the 29-acre parcel. The project has been designed to avoid steep slopes and environmentally sensitive areas. Due to the existing condition of the project site and the scope of the project it is unlikely that any archaeological resources are present on the project site. In the unlikely event resources are uncovered during grading activities, implementation of LUO Section 22.10.040 (Archaeological Resources) would be required. The project will be in compliance with the LUO and would ensure potential impacts to cultural resources would be reduced to less than significant. LUO Section 22.10.040 standards for archeological resources discovery during construction activities are sufficient to mitigate potential impacts to cultural resources, in the event of a discovery. No significant cultural resource impacts are expected to occur. Based on the proposed project location and with implementation of LUO Section 22.10.040 impacts to archaeological resources would be less than significant. Operational emissions would not substantially increase and implementation of standard LUO standards for dust control and compliance with existing regulations that prohibit excessive idling by diesel vehicles would reduce potential construction related emissions. A Biological Resources Assessment (BRA) was completed for this project in May 2023 and provided a series of avoidance and minimization measures to reduce any anticipated impacts to special status plants and wildlife. Implementation of the recommended measures will avoid and reduce impacts to sensitive resources to a less than significant level, therefore no impacts to the environment are expected to occur with this project. The project would be consistent with existing policies and standards in the County LUO and COSE related to the protection of scenic resources. An existing residence is partially visible from the fronting road (Arbor Road). The visual qualities of Arbor Road within the vicinity of the project site are representative of the rural, agricultural character of the area in which agricultural support structures and wineries are becoming more common. The winery facility will have no impact on any designated scenic highway. No significant impacts to visual resources would occur and no mitigation measures beyond ordinance requirements are necessary. The project site is located in an area 0-5 minutes from the Templeton Urban Reserve Line (URL) and all public services and utilities including but not limited to Fire protection, water, and sewer are available to serve the project site. A fire protection engineer has reviewed the proposed project and recommended a minimum of 68,130 gallons of fire water always be reserved for the fire sprinkler system and site hydrant(s). Additionally, the location of the proposed fire suppression tanks will provide enough elevation difference to the winery building to develop adequate pressure for supplying the fire sprinkler system and site hydrant(s) without requiring a fire pump. There are three existing wells on the site which will supply the estimated required 152,000 gallons of water per year. This accounts for water demands of the production facility, employees, tasting room and visitors, and landscaping. The proposed project site is in the Atascadero Sub-basin and not subject to the County’s water off-set ordinances. The winery’s proposed maximum annual production of 500 cases in 2025 and eventually up to 5,000 cases, which will qualify for a small winery discharge waiver through Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The wastewater will be treated, and land applied under provisions of the RWQCB winery wastewater waiver. Therefore, there would be no impact relating to implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan. The applicant is required to comply with the California Fire Code, California Building Code, the Public Resources Code, and any other applicable fire laws. No mitigation measures beyond those required by County ordinances are necessary to address the environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. Therefore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo


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