PLER2022-00065 South Sacramento Sidewalk Gap Closure Project
3 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
PLER2022-00065 South Sacramento Sidewalk Gap Closure Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Document Description
Within the project area, there are several portions of incomplete sidewalk along the public roadways and the proposed project will connect existing sidewalks, install drainage improvements, and install ADA ramps along with other minor improvements at existing intersections. Project activities will span approximately 1,650 feet in total, with sections on Cottonwood Avenue, Middlesax Way, Power Inn Road, Cottonwood Avenue, Sierra Sunset Drive, Stevenson Avenue, and Elsie Avenue within the community of South Sacramento. Where new sidewalk segments are installed, existing roadside ditches will be filled, and new drainage inlets and pipes will be installed to collect and direct storm runoff into the existing storm drainpipe in the roadway. To facilitate project activities, approximately 16 utility poles will be relocated.
Excavation depths will range depending on the nature of the proposed work. The pavement, curb, sidewalk, and driveway excavation depth will not exceed 12”. Work to modify drainage pipes, inlets, and manholes will vary from 5-8 feet in depth.
Sidewalk and intersection improvements include:
• Power Inn Road and Stevenson Avenue: A sidewalk connection will be made from 8101 Lemon Cove to 8141 Stevenson Avenue. This will include curb ramps for two entry points of the property at 8112 Stevenson Avenue and ADA curb ramps at all four corners at the intersection of Power Inn Road and Stevenson Road.
• Power Inn Road and Elsie Avenue: A sidewalk connection will be made along the western boundary of APN 115-0073-001-0000 to an existing intersection crossing and ADA ramp.
• Elsie Avenue: A sidewalk connection will be made from 7901 Elsie Avenue to 8011 Elsie Avenue. The connection consists of curb ramps for two entry points to the properties at 7917 Elsie Avenue and one entry point to the property at 8001 Elsie Avenue.
• Stevenson Avenue and Cottonwood Lane: A sidewalk connection will be made from 8431 Stevenson Avenue to Cottonwood Lane. This will include curb ramps for two entry points to the property at 8431 Stevenson Avenue, and ADA curb ramps at all four corners of the Cottonwood Lane and Stevenson Avenue intersection. A sidewalk connection will be made at the intersection of Stevenson Avenue and Elegante Way and curb ramps will be used as the entry point of the property at 8440 Stevenson Avenue.
• Cottonwood Avenue and Middlesax Way: The sidewalk connection around 8431 Stevenson Avenue will continue past the Stevenson Avenue and Cottonwood Avenue intersection with ADA curbs added to all four corners of the intersection. An additional curb ramp will be added to 8431 Stevenson Ave for the east-facing property located on the parcel.
• Cottonwood Avenue and Sierra Sunset Drive: A sidewalk connection will be made from 7923 Cottonwood Avenue to 7859 Cottonwood Avenue. This will include curb ramps for entry points to the properties at 7921 Cottonwood Avenue, 7901 Cottonwood Avenue, 7865 Cottonwood Avenue, and 7859 Cottonwood Avenue. This will also include ADA curb ramps at the western side of the Cottonwood Avenue and Sierra Sunset Drive intersection.
Project activities are scheduled from April 2024 to 2026. During daytime construction, at least one lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained. Temporary roadway or lane closures may occur at night for slurry sealing and re-striping.
Contact Information
Julie Newton
Agency Name
Sacramento County Planning
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Parcel #
Notice of Completion
Development Types
Transportation:Other (Pedestrian Street Improvements)
Local Actions
Transportation Project
Project Issues
Air Quality, Biological Resources, Geology/Soils, Land Use/Planning, Tribal Cultural Resources, Vegetation
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
Draft Environmental Document [Draft IS, NOI_NOA_Public notices, OPR Summary Form, Appx,]
Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
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