Variance 23-001 - 13 Davison Road


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mammoth Lakes
Document Title
Variance 23-001 - 13 Davison Road
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Variance 23-001 allows a 40% reduction of the front setback to allow for a 15-foot front setback where a 25-foot setback would otherwise be required for a proposed new single-family residence and attached garage at 13 Davison Road. The application was filed by Matthew Smith on behalf of the property owners, the Mascher Trust in accordance with Chapters 17.72 (Variances) of the Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Code, for a property located within the Residential Multi-Family 2 (RMF-2) zoning district at 13 Davison Road. The proposed project meets all the requirements of the Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Code and General Plan.

Contact Information

Michael Peterka
Agency Name
Town of Mammoth Lakes
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Mammoth Lakes
Southern California
Parcel #

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures
Reasons for Exemption
The project has been determined to be categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 applies to projects that consist of one single-family residence in a residential zone, which the State has determined to be a class of projects that will not have a significant effect on the environment. The project is consistent with this criteria since the project involves the construction of one (1) single-family residence and is located in a residential zone. Additionally, none of the exceptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2, which would preclude a project from using a categorical exemption, are applicable, as described below: a. Projects that meet the criteria for the “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures” categorical exception are classified as a Class 3 project pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines and are therefore subject to an additional level of review that is applicable to projects classified as Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, or 11 to determine if the property is located in a sensitive environment. The project site is not considered to be a sensitive environment as the site is largely disturbed due to its historic use as a snow storage site by neighboring properties and is largely surrounded by parcels that are fully developed, and is therefore not subject to this exception. There are no designated scenic highways adjacent to or near the project site. There are no designated farmland areas within the Town boundaries, thus the site is not identified as farmland by the California Resources Agency as part of the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, is not located on or near Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance, and is not subject to any Williamson Act Contracts. Furthermore, no portion of the site is zoned for, or developed, as forest land or timberland as defined in Public Resources Code §12220(g) and Government Code §4526. There are no known sensitive biological resources in the project vicinity, and the project site is not located within the boundaries of a Habitat Conservation Plan or Natural Community Conservation Plan. No classified or designated mineral deposits of statewide or regional significance are known to occur on the project site. The site is not located within a very high fire hazard severity zone, is not located within a state-designated Alquist-Priolo Fault Hazard Zone, does not have any known active faults crossing the site, and the nearest fault to the project site is approximately 0.5 miles to the west. There are no hazardous material sites listed within or near the project site per any of the State and Federal databases. There are no known historical or cultural resources on the site; b. The cumulative impact from successive projects over time will not be significant because the proposed use is consistent with the allowed uses for the zone and is consistent with the development intensity that was anticipated to be developed in the RMF-2 zone; c. Given the location, scope, and purpose of the proposed project, there would be no significant impacts or effects on environmental resources during construction or operation, as the site has been previously developed. There are no unusual circumstances that would result in significant impacts from the proposed activity. d. As stated above in response (a), the project site is not located adjacent to or near a scenic highway. The project location is not identified as a Major View Corridor in the Town’s General Plan and views of the project site are not considered scenic. Therefore, the proposed project would not have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista or damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway; e. As stated above in response (a), there are no hazardous materials listed within or near the project site. The project site is not listed on the Hazardous Waste and Substances list maintained by the Town; or the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker system which includes leaking underground fuel tank sites and spills, leaks, investigations, and cleanup sites; or the Department of Toxic Substances Control EnviroStar Data Management System which includes CORTESTE sites; or the Environmental Protection Agency’s database of regulated facilities; and f. As stated above in response (a), there are no known historical or cultural resources areas on the site, and therefore, there will not be a substantial adverse change in the significance of an established historical resource as a result of the project. Therefore, the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines, section 15303, ‘New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures’, categorical exemption and the application of that categorical exemption is not barred by any of the exceptions set forth in Section 15300.2.
County Clerk


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