Well Site Acquisition and Construction and Operation of Well #8


SCH Number
Public Agency
Frazier Park Public Utility District
Document Title
Well Site Acquisition and Construction and Operation of Well #8
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project includes the acquisition of a well site (the "Site") and construction and operation of a new water supply well (the "Well #8"). Well #8 would operate at a capacity of approximately 500 gallons per minute ("gpm"). It would replace the production capacity furnished to the District by its existing Well #5, which is showing signs of imminent failure; however, the construction of Well #8 would not change the District's storage capacity. Well #8 would operate in conjunction with the District's existing Well #6 to provide water supplies to the District's residential and commercial customers, and would therefore support existing water uses and users within the District. The Project is necessary to enable the District to continue to satisfy its customers' residential and commercial water demands. Beneficiaries of the project are landowners and water users within the boundaries of the District.

Contact Information

Jonnie Allison
Agency Name
Frazier Park Public Utility District
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Southern California
Cross Streets
Frazier Mountain Park Road
Parcel #

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
The District has found and determined that to the extent such activities could possibly constitute a project, the Project is exempt under CEQA. This determination is based upon the fact that the Project is an emergency project. The District has a water storage capacity of 2.1 million gallons. During peak demand the District currently operates at a deficit of 168 gpm, which provides the District approximately eight (8) days of operating at such capacity before its storage is depleted. Well #5, was constructed in 1965 and its well casings are failing. If Well #5 becomes inoperable prior to the District being able to obtain the Site and construct Well #8, the number of days at which the District could operate at historical peak demand before its storage is depleted would be reduced by half, to approximately four (4) days. In light of the likelihood that Well #5 will fail in the near term, and the degree to which the failure would limit the ability of the District to satisfy its water supply obligations to its customers, the anticipated period of time to conduct an environmental review of the Project would create a risk to public health, safety and welfare. Therefore, the emergency exception (CEQA Guidelines section 15269 (c)) applies.
County Clerk


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