Bardsley Subdivision N-SUB2022-00032 / CO 22-0037 - ED23-186
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Bardsley Subdivision N-SUB2022-00032 / CO 22-0037 - ED23-186
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Hearing to consider a request by Matthew and Michelle Bardsley for a Tentative Parcel Map (N- SUB2022-00032 / C022-0037) to subdivide an existing 15.85-acre parcel into two parcels of 7.0 and 8.86 acres each for the purpose of sale and/or development. Proposed parcel 1 is currently vacant and will include a 16,000 square-foot building envelope that will encompass all future development and associated site improvements, accessed via proposed driveway within a private easement across an intervening parcel between the subject property and Corbett Canyon Road. Proposed parcel 2 is currently developed with an existing residential home; no additional development is proposed. An existing on-site domestic well will be shared. The project will result in 20 cubic yards (cy) of cut, 20 cy of fill, and approximately 19,000 feet of ground disturbance. The applicant is requesting adjustments to the design criteria outlined within County Code Section 21.03.010 to allow for an exceedance of the maximum ratio of parcel depth to width (3:1). The proposed project is within the Residential Rural (RR) land use category and is located at 1173 Corbett Canyon Road, approximately 1.78 miles northeast of the Arroyo Grande city limits. The site is within the San Luis Bay Inland Sub Area of the South County Planning Area.
Contact Information
Mason Denning
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Project Manager / Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061 (b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of subdividing the existing approximately 15.85-acre parcel into two legal parcels of 7.0 and 8.86 acres. The subdivision does not negatively impact the existing traffic along Corbett Canyon Road as the proposed project will approve a small building envelope for future residential development as part of this project. Any access improvements, grading, or construction will require additional permits and associated environmental review, as applicable. This subdivision will approve a building envelope for future development. Additionally, the subdivision, as proposed, will not result in any potential impacts to areas including aesthetics, geology and soils, water, traffic, or cumulative impacts. The applicant provided a Phase 1 Archaeological Study (May 2023, Padre Associates) that confirms no significant impacts would result from the project, and the study did not identify any cultural resources within the project site during the associated pedestrian survey.
The applicant also provided a Biological Resources Assessment (BRA) (Padre Associates, June 2023) that indicated no special status biological resources were identified and no mitigation measures were recommended. However, as recommended by the BRA, the applicant is incorporating avoidance measures which have been conditioned as part of the project. Oak tree impacts are not expected to occur, although actual disturbance limits and project design constraints for future development may lead to potential replanting in accordance with County requirements.
The project, as conditioned, will comply with the Land Use Ordinance. As required by the conditions of approval, any future development for structures, utilities, or access, will require focused biological surveys and potential additional environmental review for any proposed disturbance areas. County standards, along with applicant proposed avoidance measures and pre-construction surveys will ensure that there are less than significant impacts to the environment.
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo
Notice of Exemption
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