Emergency Backup Generators Upgrade Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
El Dorado Irrigation District
Document Title
Emergency Backup Generators Upgrade Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The El Dorado Irrigation District (District) proposes to upgrade 15 pump/lift station facilities throughout the District’s service area by installing backup power generators. The District operates over 100 pump/lift station facilities to provide drinking water and wastewater services. The continued operation of these facilities during power outages is required to maintain uninterrupted service. The project is being partially funded through a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant to install backup power generators and maintain critical public health and safety services during power outages. The generators will meet or exceed the California Air Resources Board (CARB) required emissions standards.
Project activities will vary at each location and may include: removing existing generator support pad, re-grading pad location and installing new concrete support pad, installing a low retaining wall, trenching and installation of electrical conduit, installing new electrical panel, installing pumping equipment, and installing security fencing. Work activities will occur within the previously disturbed areas of the existing facilities and utility right-of-ways. Construction equipment is anticipated to include: small excavator/backhoe, concrete truck, compactor, pickup truck, and miscellaneous hand and power tools. Disposal of construction debris/materials will be conducted in accordance with applicable regulations. Appropriate best management practices (e.g., straw bales, non-monofilament fiber rolls, biodegradable wattles, silt fence, etc.) will be used to ensure disturbed areas are stabilized to prevent soil erosion. Construction activities are anticipated to be 10-14 work days at each location and occur Monday - Friday during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No interruption of drinking water or wastewater services will occur during project activities.
Contact Information
Doug Venable
Agency Name
El Dorado Irrigation District
Job Title
Environmental Review Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
El Dorado Hills, Cameron Park, Shingle Springs, Gold Hill, Camin
El Dorado
State Highways
HWY 50
Other Location Info
Drinking water pump station locations:
Arrowbee Pump Station- 4570 Burnt Oak Dr, Placerville
Site activities include: remove existing concrete slab, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, install 70 foot electrical conduit, and install 50 feet of wooden fence.
Dolomite Reservoir Pump Station- 5807 Dolomite Dr, Placerville
Site activities include: remove existing timber generator supports, grade 15 foot by 10 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 10 feet of electrical conduit.
Highland View Pump Station- 2562 Aberdeen Ln, El Dorado Hills
Site activities include: remove existing timber generator supports, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, install 35 feet of electrical conduit, and install 50 feet of wooden fence.
Oakridge Tank Pump Station- 7141 Silva Valley Pky, El Dorado Hills
Site activities include: install 20 foot by 8 foot concrete support pad, and install 120 feet of electrical conduit.
Rancho Del Sol Lower Pump Station- 5150 Puerta Del Sol Rd, Camino
Site activities include: remove existing concrete slab, grade 20 foot by 20 foot area, install 15 foot by 7 foot concrete support pad, install 45 foot long by 3 foot high retaining wall, and install 10 feet of electrical conduit.
Reservoir 8 Pump Station- 1473 Pleasant Valley Rd, Placerville
Site activities include: grade 20 foot by 20 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 25 feet of electrical conduit.
Reservoir 11 Pump Station- 4950 Rocking Horse Ln, Shingle Springs
Site activities include: remove existing timber retaining wall, grade 30 foot by 30 foot area, install 15 foot by 7 foot concrete support pad, install 40 foot long by 3 foot high retaining wall, and install 25 feet of electrical conduit.
Union Mine Pump Station- 5101 Union Mine Rd, Diamond Springs
Site activities include: grade 25 foot by 25 foot area, install 15 foot by 7 foot concrete support pad, install 40 foot long by 4 foot high retaining wall, and install 45 feet of electrical conduit.
Wastewater lift station locations:
Cambridge Oaks Lift Station- 4112 Beasley Dr, Cameron Park
Site activities include: grade 10 foot by 10 foot area, install 15 foot by 7 foot concrete support pad, and install 70 feet of electrical conduit.
Courtside Manor Lift Station- 2999 Courtside Dr, Diamond Springs
Site activities include: remove existing concrete slab, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 44 feet of electrical conduit.
Ponderosa Heights Lift Station- 4073 Cactus Rd, Diamond Springs
Site activities include: remove existing concrete bollards, grade 10 foot by 10 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 20 feet of electrical conduit.
Starbuck Lift Station- 2545 Hastings Dr, Rescue
Site activities include: grade 30 foot by 30 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, install electrical panel, install 100 feet of electrical conduit, and install 25 feet of chain-link fence.
Summit View No. 1 Lift Station- 5324 Skycrest Ct, El Dorado
Site activities include: install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, install electrical panel, install 50 feet of electrical conduit, install odor control pump, and install 12 feet of chain-link fence.
Town Center Lift Station- 7124 Shady Ln, Placerville
Site activities include: remove existing concrete slab, grade 10 foot by 10 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 10 feet of electrical conduit.
Travois Circle Lift Station- 3160 Travois Cir, Rescue
Site activities include: grade 10 foot by 10 foot area, install 12 foot by 6 foot concrete support pad, and install 10 feet of electrical conduit.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2 – CCR, Title 14, Sec. 15302 & Class 3 – CCR, Title 14, Sec. 15303
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of the replacement and new construction of small facilities that involves no expansion of existing or former use. None of the exceptions to these exemptions, as identified under CCR, Title 14, Section 15300.2, apply to this project, including; located in an area of hazardous or critical concern, cumulative impact, significant effect due to unusual circumstances, scenic highways, hazardous waste sites, and historical resources.
County Clerk
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
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