305 Old McCloud Rd Affordable Housing


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mount Shasta
Document Title
305 Old McCloud Rd Affordable Housing
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Interior renovation of existing floor area for a 13-unit multi-family development consisting of consisting of five buildings on one .7-acre (30,491 square feet) parcel (APN 057-538-290). No new floor area constructed. Occupancy change from short-term visitor-serving to long-term affordable rental housing.

Contact Information

Jeff Mitchem
Agency Name
City of Mt Shasta
Job Title
Planning Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Mount Shasta
Cross Streets
Old McCloud Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Union Pacific
Mt Shasta High School
Mt. Sh

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
Exemption Findings. The proposed project is Exempt from CEQA under a categorical exemption in the State CEQA Guidelines: Class 1 (Section 15301) Existing Facilities. Specifically, the proposed project qualifies for the exemption for the following reasons: ? No Use Expansion. The project involves no expansion of floor area and negligible expansion of the site’s historic use. ? Interior Alterations. The Project is limited to interior alterations involving such things as interior partitions, plumbing, and electrical conveyances; and, ? Limited Exterior Modifications. Exterior modifications are limited to façade and roof repair, paint, minor landscaping improvements and closure of sidewalk gap on Old McCloud Rd (per City requirement). ? Historic Use. The Project activities would occur within existing buildings formerly occupied by uses of uses of similar intensity to those proposed. ? Housing Goals. The Proposed use further Mt. Shasta’s Housing Element objectives to support the local workforce through the provision of affordable housing. ? No Exceptions to Exemptions Described below, there are no exceptions to the exemption that would render the exemption inapplicable. Exceptions to Exemption. Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines provides exceptions to categorical exemptions provided in Article 19 of the CEQA Guidelines. These exceptions include projects which impose cumulative impacts, significant impacts due to unusual circumstances, are located upon a hazardous waste site pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code or cause substantial adverse impacts to scenic resources or historic resources. ? Cumulative Impact. All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place, over time is significant. Findings. The proposed project would not contribute to successive impacts in the same location. The proposed residential use would occupy existing underutilized buildings resulting in negligible intensification of prior uses of the project site. The proposed project involves interior modifications and minor exterior improvements to comply with 2022 California Building Code for residential occupancy bringing the use of the site further into compliance with existing code. Therefore, there are no cumulative impacts that would be caused by the proposed project. ? Unusual Circumstances. A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Findings. The proposed project involves minor modifications to existing buildings and conditionally permitted multi-family residential use as authorized through use permits consistent with City of Mt. Shasta regulations. Through compliance with the imposed conditions of approval, uniformly applied development standards, and provisions of the zoning code, the proposed project will broadly conform with local land use regulations. Furthermore, as similar uses have occurred previously onsite, and the proposed project would continue those uses, the proposed project will not result in an unusual circumstance. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. ? Scenic Highways. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. Findings. The Project does not result in damage to scenic resources, including but limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. The Project site abuts Old McCloud Rd, which is not designated or eligible as a state scenic highway. ? Hazardous Waste Sites. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Findings. The project is not located on an open hazardous waste site. The Project site is not identified as a listed cleanup site in Geotracker, under the State Water Resources Board, nor is it listed as a cleanup site in EnviroStor, under the Department of Toxic Substances Control. ? Historic Resources. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. Findings. The Project will not cause a substantial adverse change to an historic resource. The Project site contains five buildings which would undergo interior improvements and minor exterior repairs. Though the buildings are not designated as historic resources, the façade improvements are “like for like” (materials/color) in nature, remedying years of deferred maintenance and will result in a net positive architectural quality condition.
County Clerk


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