Water Main Replacement at Olive St., Shelby Drive, E 32nd St. and La Vista Memorial Park
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sweetwater Authority
Document Title
Water Main Replacement at Olive St., Shelby Drive, E 32nd St. and La Vista Memorial Park
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the Proposed Project is to replace water mains as follows: 461 linear feet (LF) of pipe in Olive Street; 1,168 LF in Shelby Drive; 281 LF on East 32nd Street; and 651 LF on a 10-foot wide water utilities easement located on the west side of La Vista Memorial Park, for a total of 2,561 LF of water main replacement. The new water main will be installed using trenching, with the exception of the pipe being installed at the easement at La Vista Memorial Park, which will be installed using directional boring. In addition, approximately 2, 000 LF of pipe will be abandoned, just to the north of the pipes being replaced in the areas described above. To deactivate these existing pipes, cutting and capping of existing pipes will occur within the public Right of Way.
The project will not impact any sensitive resources, including wetlands and waters of the U.S. As a matter of fact, pipelines currently perpendicularly crossing a stream area would be abandoned in place, with no need of accessing or impacting the resource area. Environmental BMPs will be followed throughout the construction project.
Project benefits include: removing active pipelines from undeveloped areas and potentially sensitive areas; removing existing pipes from private property, benefiting private property owners; resolving existing unauthorized encroachments; improving access for maintenance of facilities by moving facilities to the public Right of Way; and improving the overall water system reliability.
Contact Information
Israel Marquez
Agency Name
Sweetwater Authority
Job Title
Land and Environmental Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
National City
San Diego
Cross Streets
Olive St., Shelby Dr., and East 32nd
State Highways
805 Freeway
Sweetwater River
Other Location Info
The proposed water main replacement project is located in the public Right of Way, on Olive Street north of Sweetwater Road, Shelby Drive and East 32nd St., and within a currently occupied water utilities easement on the La Vista Memorial Park property. Please refer to Figures 1, 2, and 3 for additional information.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Pub. Res. Code Section 21080.21 Installation or repair of pipeline within street or highway or public right-of-way
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is for the installation and replacement of approximately 2561 linear feet of water main, which is less than one mile in length and within a public street.
County Clerk
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
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