Desert Tortoise Conservation Innovations
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Wildlife Conservation Board
Document Title
Desert Tortoise Conservation Innovations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This Project proposes to conduct a scientific study to address the underlying threats facing the desert tortoise using a wide array of newly available tools in a coordinated manner. This Project will simultaneously address three threats: raven predation, invasive plant displacement of native food plants, and severe, persistent drought. The goals of the Project include the following: (1) Use a broad range of tortoise conservation tools and techniques to enhance tortoise survival at known tortoise hotspots; (2) operate on a regional basis to reduce predator pressure by eliminating subsidies, discouraging reproduction of ravens and hazing them at roosts and other gathering points; (3) monitor with a scientifically-valid approach tortoise status and changes in raven numbers and movement patterns in the study area over multiple years; (4) study “hotspot” conditions in more detail to inform refinement of management actions and to better predict other areas for acquisition or targeted conservation actions, especially in light of expected changes driven by climate change; (5) share tools, techniques, and results with broader conservation community; (6) ensure maximum use of the data gathered and lessons learned by coordinating our actions with relevant federal and state agencies including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Mojave National Preserve; and (7) integrating technological advances over the course of the Project. WCB Project Tracker ID: 2023178.
Contact Information
Rebecca J. Fris
Agency Name
Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation Board
Job Title
Deputy Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
6 miles east of Boron, CA
San Bernardino
Southern California
Other Location Info
0490-223-39, 0490-222-32, 0502-073-05, 0502-073-50, 0502-073-11, 0502-073-12, 0490-292-09, 0502-051-67, 0502-062-88, 0502-062-20, 0502-062-61, 0502-062-04, 0502-062-69.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15303, Section 15304, and Section 15306
Reasons for Exemption
This study consists of basic data collection and research which does not result in serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource.
Notice of Exemption
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