Diamond Springs Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project, CIP#36109013
SCH Number
Public Agency
El Dorado County
Document Title
Diamond Springs Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project, CIP#36109013
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project includes evaluating and constructing various pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The County will design the most feasible alternative for pedestrian and bicyclist, and clear environmental & right-of-way phases for the proposed Project construction.
Minor roadside utility valve & cover adjustment, and right-of-way activities are expected as part of the Project. The County expects to construct the proposed improvement in the existing as well as in the proposed new right-of-way within the roadway footprint. The project will be constructed in stages without detour or roadway closure. Short term traffic delays and lane closure are expected during construction.
Contact Information
Chandra Ghimire
Agency Name
El Dorado County Department of Transportation
Job Title
Senior Civil Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
unincorporated area
El Dorado
Northern California
Other Location Info
Pleasant Valley Road between Pearl Place and State Route 49, Pearl Place, Racquet Way, Wimbledon Drive and Black Rice Road as shown in the map, Diamond Springs, CA
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 15301, Class l (c)
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 subsection (c) indicates minor alterations of existing public facilities (existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities) involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use.
County Clerk
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
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