Leland J. Thompson Water Treatment Plant Iron and Manganese Filtration System Backwash Supply Pipeline
SCH Number
Public Agency
Rubidoux Community Service District
Document Title
Leland J. Thompson Water Treatment Plant Iron and Manganese Filtration System Backwash Supply Pipeline
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Leland J. Thompson Water Treatment Plant Iron and Manganese Filtration System Backwash Supply Pipeline (the project) consists of construction and operation of a backwash supply pipeline to supply water for the backwash process at the
existing iron and manganese (Fe/Mn) filtration vessels within the Leland J. Thompson Water Treatment Plant (Thompson Plant). A 16-inch diameter carbon steel pipeline will be constructed belowground, commencing from a proposed connection to an
existing water distribution system pipeline in 34th Street, then continuing northerly into the Thompson Plant, then continuing within the plant site to the Fe/Mn filtration system. Approximately 40 linear feet of 16-inch diameter carbon steel pipeline will be
constructed belowground within the 34th Street right-of-way, and approximately 165 linear feet of 16-inch diameter carbon steel pipeline will be constructed belowground within the Thompson Plant. Additionally, approximately 20 linear feet of 14-inch
diameter carbon steel pipeline will be constructed aboveground within the Thompson Plant, connecting the 16-inch diameter pipeline to the existing Fe/Mn filtration system.
Contact Information
Ted Beckwith
Agency Name
Rubidoux Community Services District
Job Title
Director of Engineering
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Parties Undertaking Project
Jurupa Valley
Southern California
Cross Streets
34th Street, between Daly Avenue and Crestmore Road
State Highways
State Route 60, State Route 91
Flabob Airport
Grant Elementary School, St. Francis De Sales Catholic School
Santa Ana River
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15282(k); Pipeline less than one mile in length in public street right-of-way.
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of minor alterations of an existing water
treatment facility (the Thompson Plant) and involves no expansion
of use. The portion of the pipeline to be installed within the 34th
Street right-of-way is less than one mile in length. Further, as the
project is located within an existing water treatment facility and
adjoining public street right-of-way, there is no possibility of
significant environmental effect.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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