Public Storage Chippendale

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
Public Storage Chippendale
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Document Description
The project consists of the following entitlement requests: 1. A Use Permit to allow a mini storage in the Light Commercial (LC) zoning district pursuant to Sacramento County Zoning Code (Zoning Code) § 3.2.5, Table 3.1. 2. A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The proposed project would demolish the existing building and construct one, three-story self-storage building in its former footprint with new site improvements. The proposed building consists of 152,532 square feet (SF), including a 900 SF rental office, and is approximately 41’ in height. The applicant’s Use Permit request would include operations with lighting provided on-site between the hours of 9am-6pm. The proposed project would include 29 luminaires located along the peripheries of the storage building and within the parking lot (see Plate IS-5). The largest source of light will come from the twenty 15’ single head luminaires amounting to an estimated 85,400 lumens during operating hours. Access to the site will be from two existing driveways on Chippendale Avenue. The western driveway will provide access to customers visiting the rental office or entering the building to visit their storage space. The eastern driveway will be for emergency access only, with no access for customers to the building or parking but will also maintain the existing access easement with the property to the north. A 22-space parking lot will be located adjacent to the customer lobbies on the west side of the building. The applicant proposes to remove 21 trees, including four Chinese Hackberry, four Tulip Poplar, one Aleppo Pine, one Japanese Black Pine, nine Chinese Tallow, three Chinese Elm, and two Mexican Fan Palm. All new site improvements will be constructed and will include a fifty-foot landscaped setback along Chippendale Avenue and a new locked trash/recycling enclosure on the west side of the building. The trash and recycling bins are only available to Public Storage office staff, as customers are required to remove their own debris from the facility.

Contact Information

Julie Newton
Agency Name
Sacramento County Planning
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Parcel #

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Commercial (Sq. Ft. 152532, Acres 2.39, Employees 1)
Local Actions
Use Permit, Development and Design Review
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Air Quality, Drainage/Absorption, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hydrology/Water Quality, Vegetation
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End


Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form

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