Rodeo Creek Bank Erosion Repair


SCH Number
Public Agency
Contra Costa County
Document Title
Rodeo Creek Bank Erosion Repair
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the project is to repair two bank failures along the west side of Rodeo Creek at 4th and 7th Streets and to remove accumulated sediment within the channel adjacent to the 7th Street bank failure and under the 7th Street bridge. The 4th Street bank failure is approximately 30 feet long and 15 feet wide. The 7th Street bank failure, approximately three blocks to the south, is approximately 50 feet long by 15 feet wide. At each site, the project consists of removing the failed bank material within the eroded area by excavating a keyway trench at the toe of the embankment with intermittent benches as the excavation progresses up slope. The bank will then be reconstructed by backfilling with suitable material. Rock slope protection will be placed to protect against erosion; the rock voids will be filled with native soil and a native seed mix. The adjacent access road and trail will be repaved. A temporary water diversion system will be used to dewater the work area. Construction depths will vary among project elements; the maximum depth of excavation will be approximately 5 feet for installation of the keyway. The 4th Street repair will extend approximately 70 feet long and the 7th Street repair will extend approximately 60 feet long in order to transition the bank failure repair area to the adjacent channel slopes. At the 7th Street repair site, a layer of deposited sediment in the streambed will be removed adjacent to the bank failure and under the 7th Street bridge to restore drainage capacity. Therefore, including sediment removal activities, the entire work limit along the 7th Street site is approximately 200 feet long. The existing curb, guardrail, and fence along the site will be removed and replaced. Tree and vegetation trimming and removal will be necessary to accommodate the project. Real Estate transactions, including temporary construction easements, will be necessary. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2024. Work will take place during the dry season and is anticipated to be completed in approximately 35 working days. The adjacent trails will be closed to the public during the entire period of construction. Temporary traffic control will be required. Appropriate best management practices for water pollution control will be implemented to protect the creek. Applicable regulatory permits will be obtained before construction.

Contact Information

Alex Nattkemper
Agency Name
Contra Costa County Public Works Dept.
Job Title
Environmental Analyst
Contact Types
Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


unincorporated Rodeo
Contra Costa
Cross Streets
4th and 7th Streets and Vaqueros Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
357-151-XXX, 357-140-XXX, 357-161-001, 357-161-002, 357-161-013, 357-132-017, 357-132-019
State Highways
Union Pacific, BNSF
Rodeo Hills, St. Patrick's Elem., Grace Christian, Spectrum Ctr
Rodeo, Refugio, Ohlone, Canada del Cierbo, and Pinole Creeks, San Pablo Bay

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 19, Section 15301(d)
Reasons for Exemption
The activity consists of the repair of a damaged portion of an existing flood control facility to meet current standards of public health and safety involving no expansion of existing use.
County Clerk
Contra Costa


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