Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Project at Camp Roberts
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General
Document Title
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Project at Camp Roberts
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of installing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) to provide power for up to 32 future Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) units in four areas of Camp Roberts Facility parking lots. The parking stalls will be stenciled and signage provided to note stalls intended for use by a designated vehicles. The project includes installation of buried conduits, fixed bollards, wheel stops, and new electrical equipment including wiring for a complete operational and functional system. Electrical power will be supplied from an existing electrical source provided at the site. All work and waste disposal will comply with existing applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances governing work and work will involve pavement saw cutting, trenching, backfilling, and finishing of affected lot surface restored to original condition. The project would provide infrastructure needed to power EVCS to recharge electric vehicles.
Contact Information
Douglas Bryceson
Agency Name
California Military Department
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Janelle Goulding
Agency Name
California Department of General Services/Office of Sustainability
Job Title
Project Director
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project
San Miguel
San Luis Obispo
Southern California
Cross Streets
1 Camp Roberts
State Highways
US 101
Other Location Info
Buildings 3023, 3024., 6038 & 17001 Parking Lots
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15301 Existing Facilities; 15304 Minor Alterations to Land
Reasons for Exemption
The project qualifies for Class 1 exemption where repair, maintenance, or minor alterations of existing public structure involves negligible or no expansion of existing use and for Class 4 where project consists of minor public land alterations involving minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored. Project earth disturbance will occur in previously disturbed area. The State confirms that the project involves negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination.
Notice of Exemption
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