McCarthy Hall Fire Safety Upgrades Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State University Board of Trustees
Document Title
McCarthy Hall Fire Safety Upgrades Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The McCarthy Hall Fire Safety Upgrades Project (proposed project) would upgrade the fire/life safety systems at the existing McCarthy Hall, which is 65 years old and one of the oldest buildings on campus, to meet current fire/life safety code requirements.
Built in 1963, McCarthy Hall was the first permanent building on campus, and requires intensive renovation to correct seismic deficiency, address fire/life safety, deferred maintenance, building infrastructure, energy efficiency, and general code compliance. In the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the Office of the State Fire Marshal, CSUF, and California State University (CSU) Capital Planning, Design and Construction, dated June 15, 2020, a plan of correction was outlined in the MOU for bringing the existing McCarthy Hall building into compliance with the 2019 California Building Code in phases. Some of the corrections have already been completed such as the renovation of the second floor of the building as part of the McCarthy Hall Renovation Phase 1 Project. The proposed project would correct the remaining fire/life safety issues identified in the MOU.
The proposed project would upgrade the fire/life safety system for the basement, first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of McCarthy Hall. The proposed project would install sprinkler systems to meet the National Fire Protection Association’s standard and addressable fire alarm devices throughout the building, which would include transitioning the building’s fire alarm system to the recently installed addressable fire alarm control panel. Additionally, the proposed project would address existing life safety code deficiencies such as penetrations in rated construction features. The proposed project would utilize an existing fire pump installed as part of the McCarthy Hall Renovation Phase 1 Project.
The proposed project would also install new flooring, ceiling tiles, and LED lighting with daylight saving sensors in the main corridors for the first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors.
McCarthy Hall is currently an operational building with occupants. The proposed renovations would not displace occupants; instead, the contractor would work after hours and in limited areas to complete the renovations.
Contact Information
Laura Riegler
Agency Name
California State University Fullerton
Job Title
Director, Planning, Design, and Construction Management
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Lillie A Wister
Agency Name
California State University Fullerton
Job Title
Campus Planner
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Southern California
Cross Streets
Yorba Linda Boulevard to the north, Nutwood Avenue to the south, State Route 57 to the east, and
State Highways
State Route 57
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project would include maintenance and minor alterations to McCarthy Hall, an existing public facility owned by the CSU, to upgrade the fire/life safety system to meet fire life safety code requirements. The proposed project would involve interior alterations to the basement, first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of McCarthy Hall to install sprinklers and addressable fire alarm devices throughout the building. Additionally, the interior alterations would address existing life safety code deficiencies such as penetrations in rated construction features. Minor alterations to the building include the installation of new flooring, ceiling tiles, and LED lighting in the main corridors for the first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors. The proposed project would not involve any expansion of use. Once the alterations have been completed, McCarthy Hall would continue being used as an academic facility
Notice of Exemption
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