Preserving Public Access (22/23-SD-10)

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Preserving Public Access (22/23-SD-10)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The North Beach Day Use Parking Lot (North Lot) at Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and State Beach (Reserve) has been identified as being vulnerable to projected rates of sea level rise, which will increase the frequency and severity of coastal flooding in this area. The project proposes reclaiming a portion of the parking lot area for a nature-based shoreline protection system, restoring approximately 1-acre of native habitat, improving water quality by replacing pavement with permeable pavers and bioswales, improving the inlet hydrology, reinforcing parking lot access by replacing a failed culvert and improving tidal flows below McGonigle Drive, adding an interpretive trail, improving lifeguard facility, updating underground utilities to comfort station and extending to lifeguard facility. This is a project that has been identified within the Los Penasquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan (2021) (SCH: 2017121036) and it consistent with its objectives. The plan’s implementation will be critical to improving the health of the lagoon and absorbing the effects of sea level rise.

Contact Information

Marya Ahmad
Agency Name
California Department of Parks & Recreation - San Diego Coast District
Job Title
District Environmental Coordinator
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Diego
San Diego
Southern California
Cross Streets
McGonigle Road and Carmel Valley Road
Other Location Info
Torrey Pines State Natural Preserve

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class: 4 Section: 15304
Reasons for Exemption
No potential for significant impact to the environment is anticipated in compliance with CEQA §15300.4. If the project is implemented as indicated within the CDPR Project Evaluation Form, then it is exempt under CEQA §15304–Minor Alterations to Land. The action falls under the Departmental List of Exempt activities according to CEQA §15300.4 as "Resource management projects" (Class 4: Section 15304)
County Clerk
San Diego


Notice of Exemption

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