Auburn Staging Area – Western States Trail


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Auburn Staging Area – Western States Trail
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Install accessible parking, a vault toilet, a new picnic and patio area, a new horse wash station, replace fencing, grade and cap the existing parking area, and install new signage throughout the Auburn Staging Area within Auburn State Recreation Area to improve accessibility and recreational opportunities for park visitors. Work will use heavy equipment and hand tools to complete the following: ADA Parking and Vault Restroom: • Excavate a 18 ft x 16 ft x by 6-inch-deep area and pour concrete for a new ADA parking space; • Excavate a 12-inch-wide x 2 ft deep hole, install a 4x4 wooden post for an ADA parking sign; • Excavate an approx. 17 ft x 12 ft x 4.5 ft deep pit and install a new two-stall vault toilet; and • Excavate to pour a concrete walkway leading to the new patio area. Picnic and Patio Area: • Install and level 60 tons of aggregated base and pour an approx, 40 ft x 20 ft x 6-inch-thick concrete slab for a new patio area; • Dig two (2) 14 inch x 1 ft deep holes and pour reinforced concrete footings for new trash receptacles; • Dig two (2) 18 inch x 3 ft deep holes and install a new informational kiosk; • Dig four (4) 1 ft wide x 18-inch-deep holes for the stair handrails; and • Excavate two (2), 3 ft x 15 ft by 2 ft deep trenches, three (3), 3 ft x 20 ft x 2 ft deep trenches, and one (1)3 ft x 125 ft by 2 ft deep trench to install walls. Horse Wash Station: • Excavate an approx. 40 ft x 20 ft x 18 inch deep area, install a base of aggregate, sand, and fill and top with porous pavers; • Excavate a 16 inch deep by 9 inch wide trench at the perimeter of the paver area for a concrete edge; • Excavate an approx. 3 ft x 40 ft x 2 ft deep area filled with crushed ballast rock for a drainage system; • Excavate a 36-inch-wide x 40 inch deep by 225 ft long trench to relocate existing hose bibs; • Excavate two (2) 3 ft wide x 7 ft x 2 ft deep areas to install rebar reinforced concrete footings for two (2) tables; and • Dig two (2) 14-inch x 12 inch holes and pour reinforced concrete footings for new trash receptacles. Equestrian Ramp: • Install approx. 10 yards of aggregate base where the ramp will be placed; • Dig six (6) 1 ft wide x 2 ft deep holes and install six (6) posts with concrete footings; and • Dig two (2) 15-inch x 12-inch-deep holes, pour rebar reinforced concrete footings and install posts for the handrails. Fencing and Signage: • Excavate approx. thirty-five (35) 18 inch x 3 ft deep holes to install fence posts with concrete footings; • Excavate (7) 3 ft wide x 2 ft deep holes to install two (2) entrance arch posts, four (4) interpretive signs, and one (1) finish line marker, each with a concrete footing; and • Excavate a 1 ft wide x 40-inch-deep x 100 ft long trench to run electrical to the finish line marker. Parking Lot and Park Entrance Sign: • Grade the existing parking lot, and cover with approx. 630 tons of aggregate base; • Dig two (2) 10 inch x 2 ft deep holes, pour two (2) concrete footings and install posts for a new entrance sign; and • Dig one (1) 1 ft wide x 2 ft deep hole, pour a concrete footing and post for a tow away sign. Landscaping: • Excavate up to seventy-five (75) 2 ft deep x 5 ft wide holes for up to fifty (50) native trees and up to twenty-five (25) native shrubs; and • Excavate a 2 ft wide x 3 ft deep x 260 ft long trench to install an irrigation system.

Contact Information

Jim Micheaels
Agency Name
Department of Parks & Recreation
Job Title
Senior Park & Recreation Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
Other Location Info
Auburn State Recreation Area

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class: 1, 3 & 4; Section 15301, 15303 & 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the operation, maintenance or minor alteration of existing public or private structures or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond current levels; construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures and is included as “Modification of existing facilities for disabled access” and “Construction or installation of park facilities, such as kiosks, restroom, small parking lots, fencing and gates” in the Department of Parks and Recreation’s list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR §15300.4; and minor public or private alterations in the condition of land and vegetation which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees.


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