60 Joaquin Road, a four-unit planned unit development (PUD) (Tentative Tract Map 23-001, Use Permit 23-001, Design Review 23-001, and Adjustment 23-001)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mammoth Lakes
Document Title
60 Joaquin Road, a four-unit planned unit development (PUD) (Tentative Tract Map 23-001, Use Permit 23-001, Design Review 23-001, and Adjustment 23-001)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Tentative Tract Map (TTM), Use Permit (UPA), Design Review (DR), and Adjustment (ADJ) application for a proposed four-unit planned unit development (PUD) project located at 60 Joaquin Road. The project includes a Use Permit application for a density bonus of two dwelling units pursuant to the Town’s Density Bonus Ordinance, and an Adjustment application to allow two parking spaces in the front yard setback area.
Contact Information
Michael Peterka
Agency Name
Town of Mammoth Lakes
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Mammoth Lakes
Southern California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical Exemption: Guidelines Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects
Reasons for Exemption
a. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation because the property is located within the High-Density Residential 1 (HDR-1) land use designation which allows residential multi-unit townhouses, condominiums, and apartments at a density of six (6) to a maximum of twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. The proposed project is a multi-family residential development located on a site with a base density of two (2) dwelling units. The project application includes a Use Permit request pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 17.138, Town Density Bonus Program, to allow two (2) additional dwelling units of density, for a total of four-units.
The project is consistent with General Plan Land Use Policy L.2.D, which states, “For housing development projects where all units are deed restricted for workforce housing, a density bonus may be granted in addition to any bonus granted pursuant to the State Density Bonus Law up to a combined bonus of twice the density identified for the designation under which the project is located.” The Town’s Density Bonus Program is applicable to new multi-family residential projects that are located within a zoning district that allows multi-family residential units, and have a base density of two or more dwelling units, regardless of the type of dwelling unit proposed.
The requested density bonus is also consistent with General Plan Housing Element Policy H.1.C., which states, “Allow for density bonuses for projects that provide deed-restricted workforce housing in accordance with State density bonus law and/or the Town density bonus programs.” Developers of eligible properties are encouraged to utilize the Town Density Bonus Program or the State Density Bonus program in order to accomplish the General Plan goals and policies aimed at increasing housing available to the local workforce.
The Town Density Bonus Ordinance was analyzed pursuant to CEQA, and an Addendum to the 2016 General Plan Land Use Element/Zoning Code Amendment and Mobility Element Update Program Environmental Impact Report was prepared (SCH# 2015052072). The Addendum analyzed the overall increase in the number of units and population that could result from the proposed revisions to the Town’s Density Bonus Program as compared to the buildout scenario used in the certified 2016 PEIR. The Addendum concluded that the modifications to the Town’s General Plan and Zoning Code required to implement the Town Density Bonus Program Update would not result in any new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of the previously identified significant effects in the 2016 PEIR. No new mitigation measures were required, and no new alternatives were identified that would substantially reduce the environmental effects beyond those previously described in the 2016 PEIR.
The project is consistent with the Residential Multi-Family 1 (RMF-1) zoning and development standards when considered with the allowed concessions to specific development standards pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 17.138, Town Density Bonus Ordinance.
b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The Project site is within the Town’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB); the site is approximately 0.20 acres; and the site is substantially surrounded by urban uses including adjacent multi-family residential apartments, multi-family condominiums, and a single-family residence.
c. The Project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species since the site is surrounded by existing multi-family residential developments and the site does not feature a sensitive natural resource such as a wetland or watercourse.
d. Approval of the Project would not result in any significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality because the Project conforms, or is required to conform, to the Municipal Code requirements for noise, air quality, and parking; the Project conforms, or is required to conform, to Public Works standards for site grading, stormwater retention, and drainage; and the Project will be required to obtain all necessary permits for construction. Additionally, the project is consistent with the applicable Town Density Bonus Program, which was analyzed pursuant to CEQA. An Addendum to the 2016 General Plan Land Use Element/Zoning Code Amendment and Mobility Element Update Program Environmental Impact Report was prepared (SCH# 2015052072) and concluded that the modifications to the Town’s General Plan and Zoning Code required to implement the Town Density Bonus Ordinance would not result in any new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of the previously identified significant effects in the 2016 PEIR. Therefore, no significant effects on traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality will result from the proposed development of the site.
e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services because all necessary utilities and services are currently provided or can be extended to the site. The Project plans were routed to the Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD) and the Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District (MLFPD), and all comments received have been provided to the applicant and will be incorporated into the Project as required by the permit approval process for those agencies. Additionally, at the time of building permit issuance, development impact fees (DIF) will be paid.
f. None of the exceptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply because (1) in-fill development projects are classified as Class 32 by the California Secretary for Resources and are not subject to the special circumstances applicable to projects classified as Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11; (2) the cumulative impact from successive projects over time will not be significant because the proposed use is consistent with the allowed and previously anticipated uses for the zone and the density of the project is allowed pursuant to the Town Density Bonus Program; (3) the proposed activity will not have a significant effect on the environment because the site is a small infill site surrounded by developed urban uses and the development is consistent with all development and design standards of the Zoning Code, with the exception of the allowed concessions permitted in conjunction with the Town density bonus; (4) the site is not adjacent to a scenic highway; (5) the site is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to the list of Hazardous Waste Substances maintained by the Town; and (6) there are no known historical resources on the site and therefore there is no possibility of causing a substantial adverse change in the significance of an established historical resource as a result of the project.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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