San Francisquito Creek Bridge Bank Stabilization Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
Document Title
San Francisquito Creek Bridge Bank Stabilization Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
In January 2023, the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) conducted a field survey to inspect the San Francisquito Bridge condition for any damage that might have occurred after the major January heavy rain and rising levels in the creek. This field survey revealed that the north bank abutment slope protection below the railroad bridge bearings was severely scoured and undermined the existing soil protection to the bridge north bank abutment. The survey also found that the roots of trees near the north bridge abutment bridge have been exposed, making the tree unstable as well as soils scour surrounding a storm drainage pipe outfall structure located 50 feet downstream of the north bridge abutment. JPB concluded that north abutment soil slope stabilization measures will need to be implemented before further erosion undermine the north bridge abutment. The project involves stabilization measures of the embankment below the JPB bridge, surrounding the existing storm drain outfall, and below the Alma Street bicycle-pedestrian bridge located approximately 60 feet downstream of the JPB bridge.

Contact Information

Hilda Lafebre
Agency Name
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
Job Title
Deputy Director of Program Management and Environmental Compliance
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Parties Undertaking Project


Menlo Park, Palo Alto
San Mateo, Santa Clara
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Alma Street and Palo Alto Avenue
Other Location Info
Along San Francisquito Creek within JPB right of way and El Palo Alto Park

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Declared Emergency
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is statutorily exempt as the project would repair and restore the slope of a streambank supporting the JPB San Francisquito Bridge and Alma Street bicycle-pedestrian bridge that was damaged as a result of substantial erosion and scour that occurred from heavy storms and high water levels as observed in January 2023. The Governor included San Mateo and Santa Clara counties in a Storm State of Emergency on March 8, 2023.
County Clerks
San Mateo, Santa Clara


Notice of Exemption

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