SFMTA 13th Street Safety Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City and County of San Francisco
Document Title
SFMTA 13th Street Safety Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
SFMTA proposes pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements on 13th Street and Duboce Avenue, between Folsom Street and Valencia Street as part of the 13th Street Safety Project (project). The project would create safer conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians by installing a westbound protected bikeway (on the north side of the street) on 13th Street between Folsom and Mission streets and on Duboce Avenue between Otis and Valencia streets, and an eastbound protected bikeway (on the south side of the street) on 13th Street between Mission and Folsom streets and on Duboce Avenue between Valencia and Mission streets. Existing travel lanes as well as on-street parking and loading would be reconfigured to accommodate the protected bikeway design. Pedestrian improvements (bulbouts, sidewalk extensions, curb ramps, updated pedestrian safety islands, upgraded traffic signals) at intersections along the project corridor would also be included.

Contact Information

Jennifer McKellar
Agency Name
City and County of SF
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Francisco
San Francisco
Cross Streets
13th Street and Duboce Avenue, between Folsom Street and Valencia Street

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Public Resources Code section 21080.25
Reasons for Exemption
This project in its approved form has been determined to be exempt from environmental review because it meets the requirements for a statutory exemption per Public Resources Code section 21080.25.
County Clerk
San Francisco


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